Chapter 0551
Chapter 0551
Maximus got up, took a shower, and headed to Frederick Sander’s house. He rarely drank to the point of inebriation, but guilt had gnawed at him until he drowned it in alcohol. It wasn’t the best solution, but it silenced his inner demons, at least for a while.
After driving for over 30 minutes, he finally arrived. Frederick greeted him at the door, his expression neutral, and led him to where Marcus was waiting. Upon seeing Marcus, Maximus couldn’t resist a sarcastic remark.
“Well, well! Did someone finally punch you, or did you hit your face in the shower?”
“Maximus, I’m not in the mood for your comments… Besides, you don’t exactly look like the picture of health yourself.”
“Gentlemen, I need you both to behave,” Frederick interjected, sensing the tension. “I’m speaking to adults, not kids.”
Maximus, wearing sunglasses and looking irritable, muttered, “I might be tired and drunk, but at least I don’t have a bruised face.”
Just then, the doorbell rang again. Frederick hesitated, wanting to stay in the room to ensure the two men didn’t come to blows.
“I’ll get the door. Meanwhile, I expect you two to behave. I need both of you focused for what we’re about to discuss we have a serious problem.”
“Who else is coming?” Marcus asked warily. “I hope it’s not Peter.”
“I don’t see why my brother being here would be an issue,” Maximus replied, checking his phone. “But if you’re looking for him, he’s out of the country.”
“How do you know that?” Marcus pressed.
“He called me… well, never mind. He told me he’d be away for a while.”
“You knew your brother was alive this whole time?” Marcus exploded, his frustration evident:
“He’s my brother! And as far as I know, I don’t owe you an explanation…”
“Maximus! Did it never occur to you that it might be important for me to know?”
“No, it didn’t. He doesn’t want Mary to know, and I respect his decision. Judging by your reaction, you also knew he was alive. Now that I think about it, my car has a smashed window, and your face looks like it’s been through a fight. Don’t tell me you and Peter…? God, you’re good friends! Oh, right, I forgot–you married his wife.”
“Maximus!” Marcus roared, lunging toward him.
“Enough, both of you!” Frederick shouted. “I’m going to answer the door. Maximus, it’s your assistant–or ex- assistant–Matthew. He needs to be here too. Maybe he can help clarify some things. Marcus, I need you to stay calm. This is critical.”
“Let me go. I’m not going to touch this idiot…” Marcus muttered, casting Maximus a sharp glare.
Maximus sighed in annoyance and went to open the door.
“Maximus? What’s going on? Are things really so bad that you’re here too?” Matthew asked.
“Trust me, if I could avoid it, I would. But my presence was requested.”
“Have you been drinking?”
Chapter 0551
“Just a little. Come on, let’s go to Frederick. The sooner we finish, the sooner I can go home. My head’s killing
“You reek of a distillery! No wonder your head hurts.”
Back in the study, Frederick handed Maximus a glass of water and some pills.
need you sober and focused for what we’re about to review.”
Maximus took the pills and drained the glass before sinking into a nearby armchair.
“Alright, just tell us why we’re here. What’s with all the secrecy? What’s so urgent that Matthew and I both had to come? Matthew, I get. But me? I left the company–I’m only involved for the sake of my kids.”
“You’re right, Maximus. Technically, you shouldn’t be involved in company matters anymore. But with your father absent–he is still the head of the Palmer family–you’ve taken on that role by default. Peter had a heated argument with Marcus a few days ago and revealed something critical: the information we’ve been investigating came from him.
“But due to everything happening lately, Marcus hasn’t reviewed all the details. That’s partly my fault–I should’ve gone through the contents of the USB drive myself. But since it was so sensitive, I thought it best for Marcus to handle it.” Frederick looked directly at Marcus, regret evident in his expression.
That was a mistake. The consequences could be unimaginable.”
“What are you saying, Frederick? Be clear–no more dancing around the issue.”
“Alright. Let me summarize the USB’s contents, Marcus, I trust you’ve kept it secure?”
“Yes, it’s in my safe, and only I have the code.”
“Good. The information on it matches what I have here. Newspaper clippings and such aren’t very useful. What matters is that the investigation involves both the Palmer and Levett families.”
Today’s Bonus Offer