Chapter 0553
[Willowcombe, Present Day]
After speaking with Matthew, Peter knew what he had to say to Celeste. She needed to hear the whole truth, no matter how painful it was. As far as Peter saw it, this was the only way to convince her to come back to him and leave the country. It was a gamble–she could either forgive him or send him packing. But he had to try, not just for their sake but also for their children’s future.
Just as Matthew had told him, Celeste left work around 7:15 PM. Her posture and pace showed how tired she was. Although she was only three months along, the exhaustion was evident–nine–hour shifts on her feet were no small feat, especially in her condition. But for now, that was her life and her job, and she bore it with resolve.
As she stepped out of the museum, Celeste immediately noticed Peter’s luxury car parked out front. She avoided it altogether, walking calmly down the sidewalk. Peter felt a pang of irritation but kept his cool; the last thing he wanted was to cause a scene. He got out of the car and caught up to her.
“Celeste, please, wait,” he said, falling into step beside her
“Peter, I told you not to cause a scene at my work. Do you know what people will think, seeing me near your fancy car?”
“Oh, I get it. Celeste, please, we need to talk.”
“I want to talk too, but I’m not getting in your car. I’d rather walk.”
“Don’t be stubborn. You’re clearly exhausted. Let me take you home so you can rest.”
“If you’re talking about taking me to my home, fine. I’ll wait for you on that bench over there.” She gestured toward a small park near the museum.
Peter returned to his car, drove over, and parked in front of the bench where Celeste was sitting. He stepped out to help her into the car.
“Peter, I’m pregnant, not helpless. I can get in by myself.”
“Celeste, please, just let me help you,” he said softly.
Once she was settled, Peter got back in, started driving, and silence enveloped the car. Glancing over, he realized Celeste had fallen asleep. He’d often seen that peaceful face in the past, but now it struck a deeper chord. Her wild, curly hair framed her delicate features, and her hands instinctively rested on her small belly. Peter felt a knot in his stomach, wondering what thoughts had consumed her when she’d left their home in Slovenia.
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Celeste’s house. The car stopping jolted her awake, and she looked startled. Peter gently took her hand.
“Relax. We’re here. I didn’t want to wake you–you looked so peaceful.”
“Thanks: Do you want to come in, or should we talk here?”
“I’d prefer to come inside. You’ll be more comfortable–you look tired.”
“Actually, I’m more hungry than tired,” Celeste said, ruminaging through her bag.
“What are you looking for?”
“My keys. They’re always getting lost in here… Ah, here they are!” She triumphantly pulled a keychain from her bag.
Chapter 0553
Peter watched her intently, unable to believe how she had chosen her past over the life they’d built together.
She unlocked the door and stepped inside. “Are you coming in, or are you just going to stand there?”
“No, no, I’m coming.”
The house was cozy and smelled faintly of freesias. Peter immediately recalled the dusty, abandoned house he’d seen in photos from the real estate agent. Now, it radiated warmth–a true home.
“Spike, I’m home! We have company, so behave yourself.”
“Hey there, Spike,” Peter said, spotting the cat.
Spike, who used to purr at Peter’s presence, now arched his back and hissed. The cat’s hostility didn’t go unnoticed another item for Peter’s growing list of things to fix.
“Do you want something to drink? I have water, tea, or coffee.”
“Whatever you’re having is fine.”
“Alright, then.”
Celeste smiled faintly and disappeared into her room. She changed into a comfortable dress and returned barefoot, a habit she’d picked back up since leaving Peter’s home. Peter watched as she moved around the house, disappearing into the kitchen.
Worried she might have slipped out the back, he stood to look for her. Instead, she reappeared, carrying a tray with a coffee pot and a small cake.
“I don’t know if you like berry cake, but I made this. I’ve been craving it a lot lately, so I learned how to bake it. Coffee?”
“Yes, please. Aren’t you having any?”
“I can’t. Cinnamon’s too strong–it’s not safe during pregnancy.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.”
“I brought some milk. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to eat. I’m starving! These kids are insatiable–they only want sweets and hate fruit.. unless it’s in something like this.”
Today’s Bonus Offer