hapter 0559
Upstairs, he found a bedroom equipped with specialized medical equipment. Lying in the bed was a blonde woman whose serene face took his breath away. He froze, recognizing her instantly.
As if sensing his presence, the woman’s eyes shot open, meeting his. Those unmistakable, beautiful eyes confirmed what he already knew it was his mother.
“Maximus?” Alexia’s eyes flew open, wide with fear.
“Mom?” Lucius asked hesitantly, his voice tinged with doubt.
“Lucius! My son! Help me! Please, help me! They’ve kept me prisoner here!”
“Mom! Who did this to you?” Lucius demanded, his brow furrowed with anger and confusion.
“Peter! Peter has me here!”
Lucius froze at the name, disbelief washing over him. His mother had to be delirious–her mental state seemed fragile after such an ordeal.
“Mom, I’m here now. We’re leaving this place immediately Whoever did this to you will pay, I swear!” Lucius’s anger was palpable.
“Lucius, I’m telling you, it was Peter! That damned uncle of yours isn’t dead–he’s alive!”
“Mom, let’s get you out of here first. We’ll talk about this later. You need to get up. We’re leaving now.
“L… I can’t,” Alexia said, tears brimming in her eyes. “I can only move my hand.”
“Alright… we’ll figure this out,” Lucius said, his resolve hardening.
He scooped his mother into his arms, shocked at how light she felt. Her frailty was a stark contrast to the vibrant woman he remembered. Though her face bore signs of aging, her lack of makeup revealed a striking beauty. She looked healthier in some ways–detoxed, even–but frail. It didn’t align with the image of a woman held hostage.
“You’re safe now, Mom. We just need to get to the car. It’s a bit of a walk–I parked farther away to be cautious,” Lucius explained, carrying her out of the house.
“What about Eliya?” Alexia asked nervously.
“The woman in the house?”
“Yes. She was caring for me. She knows how to take care of me…” Alexia’s voice was tinged with worry.
“I knocked her out. I didn’t know she was taking care of you–I thought she was your captor.”
“She is… but she knows what I need.”
“Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll find someone else to care for you. First, we need to get out of this awful place,” Lucius said, concern etching his features. He couldn’t shake the feeling his mother had developed a form of Stockholm Syndrome.
After a tense walk, Lucius reached his car and gently placed Alexia inside. As he drove toward the nearest hospital, he noticed how cold she felt. Panic clawed at him–her condition seemed even more delicate than he’d anticipated.
At the hospital, he rushed her to the emergency room, where she was immediately attended to. Minutes later, a doctor emerged, his expression grave.
“Mr. Lucius, your mother is in a very delicate state. She suffers from quadriplegia. Her body no longer functions
Chapter 0559
like a healthy one. Any changes in weather or diet could trigger serious complications. Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources here to provide the care she needs. However, she could receive proper treatment at the University Hospital in Basel. If you’d like, we can arrange her transfer there.”
“I need to sort a few things out, but yes, the transfer would be ideal.”
“Very well. Let us know, and we’ll prepare for the move to ensure she’s transported as comfortably as possible. May I have her name for the records?”
“Spencer… Grace Spencer,” Lucius replied without hesitation.
He knew his mother couldn’t be registered under her real name. Inventing a pseudonym was the safest course of action. Sorting out the necessary documents later wouldn’t be an issue for someone with his resources. Paying hospital bills wouldn’t be a problem either.
What gnawed at him, though, was the mystery of who had done this to his mother. Her claim that Peter was responsible felt too far–fetched to be true. Lucius chalked it up to her being in shock from the confinement. But he knew one thing for sure–whoever was behind this would have to answer for it.
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