Gud Wife 574

Gud Wife 574

Chapter 0574 

Chapter 0574 

Serenity left the university and drove as fast as she could to Clearmount College. On the way, Laura had texted her, explaining more or less what had happened. Serenity was in the best moodanything anyone said to her could set her off, and no one wanted to see her angry. Though she didn’t know her sister very well, she would never let anyone hurt her

When Serenity arrived at the administration office 30 minutes later, the first person she saw was Adrian. He gave her a provocative look, to which she responded sharply

What are you looking at, idiot?” 

Adrian, accustomed to praise and flattery, was stunned. As far as he knew, this girl didn’t even know him

I’m Serenity Bartz, Laura Palmer’s older sister. I’m here to pick her up since our father isn’t available right now

Miss Bartz, aren’t you also Ethan Bartz’s older sister?” 

That’s right. But Laura is my sister too, and I don’t owe you any explanations about my life. I’m here for her, Serenity said, her irritation clear

Serenity! Sis, let’s go home. They’ve expelled meLaura said, holding back tears

Laura? What the hell happened to your face?Serenity asked, furious

Nothing, let’s just go!” 

No, I want to know what happened. Who did this to you? Where’s the teacher responsible for you?” 

Miss Bartz,the prefect interrupted, Laura had a fight with her boyfriend, andwell, your sister is pregnant, and the young man claims the baby isn’t his.” 

Oh, and you believed him?Serenity shot back, her anger rising

Well, these are young people’s issues. We can’t interfere. But regardless, your sister is pregnant, and that’s against school policy,the prefect said, clearly annoyed

And? So what?” 

The school does not allow such behavior on campus.” 

Oh, but it’s fine for your students to lay hands on other students? What kind of double standard is that? Excuse 

but this whole situation is absolutely ridiculous.” 


Miss, watch your language. That kind of talk isn’t allowed here.” 

I’ll talk however I damn well please! You’re offended by my words but not by the fact that one of your students. hit my sister? What kind of backward morality is that? It’s complete nonsense!!! 

Serenity, please, let’s just go,Laura said, tugging at her sister’s arm, sensing Serenity was seconds away from losing control

You know what? I’m going to tell my father to pull Laura out of this pathetic excuse for a school. I can’t believe appearances matter more to you than actions!” 

Let’s go, sis. Please!

Fine. Let’s leave before I really lose it and break your prefect’s face.” 

Chapter 0574 

[At Maximus’s house

When Maximus heard the full story and learned that some idiot had dared to lay a hand on his beloved daughter, he felt an intense rage. But he forced himself to remain calm. The last thing Laura needed after everything she had endured was to see him lose control

Thank you, Serenity. I’m truly grateful you were there for Laura,Maximus said, his voice filled with pride. Why didn’t you call me? I could have gone myself.” 


Maximus, it wasn’t necessary. She needed to talk to someone womantowoman,Serenity replied calmly. Maximus’s chest swelled with pride. His daughter had behaved like a lioness, fiercely defending her family. It was a bright spot in an otherwise difficult day. For now, he would focus on Laura and the other children. There would be time later to deal with Adrian, and what awaited him would not be pleasant

Through her tears, Laura, her eyes swollen and red, said, DadI’ve let you down. I let myself get carried awayI didn’t know he would act like this. I’m so sorry, Dad. Please forgive me!She hugged his waist tightly, as she 

remained seated

Laura had been feeling discomfort in her hip all day but didn’t want to worry anyone. Sitting or lying down was the only thing that eased the pain

Lauramy little girl, you have nothing to apologize for. This isn’t what I would have wanted for you, but I know these things can happen. Serenity is rightthere’s nothing good for you at that school, and I’ll handle it. If they don’t want you there, so be it

You can study at home, or we’ll find a school that will let you finish. But finish, you will. One thing you need to understand, my love, is that you’ll neverlisten to meyou’ll never be alone. I will always be here to support and love you. No matter what, you’ll always have me

I wasn’t planning on being a grandpa so soon, but if your uncle Peter is one already, why shouldn’t I be?” 

Dad, are you sure? You’re not upset with me?Laura asked, her voice trembling

Why would I be upset? On the contrary, I’m proud of you. That boy is looking for an easy way out because he lacks the maturity to take responsibility. But where there’s no responsible man, there will always be a grandfather, an aunt, and two uncles who will be there for youand for this baby. And let’s not forget your uncle Peter, his son Alden, and Ethan, who will basically be an older cousin. You’ll never, ever be alone, my little girl. And this goes for you too, Serenity. I know you have your parents, but you should know that on our side, we’ll always be grateful for what you did today. You’ll always be able to count on us, just as Laura did with you today.” 

Thank you, Maximus,Serenity said softly

Laura stood up to hug Serenity, but as she rose, Maximus noticed a stain on her pants. His heart sank

Laura, sweetheart, stay calm. I think we need to go to the Hospital” 

Serenity turned to look, her face instantly filled with fear

What’s wrong, Dad?Laura asked, noticing their worried expressions

Stay calm, my love. We’re going to the hospitalit’s probably just a scare from everything you’ve been through today,Maximus said, trying to soothe her

Laura looked down and touched her pants. When she saw the blood, panic took over, and she fainted. Maximus caught her just in time

Laura! Stay with me, sweetheart. Don’t worry, we’re going to the hospital now,he said urgently, his voice 

Chapter 0574 

steady despite his fear

Maximus carried Laura out of the house, gently laying her in the back seat of one of their SUVs. Serenity climbed in beside her, holding her hand and trying to comfort her unconscious sister as Maximus started the car and sped toward the hospital

sapler U575 

Chapter 0575 

Gud Wife

Gud Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Gud Wife


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