Chapter 0602
Valerie stood abruptly, her frustration bubbling over. She was about to leave when Marcus grabbed her arm. firmly, stopping her in her tracks. She turned, her eyes flashing with anger.
“What do you want, Marcus?”
“I want you to calm down,” he said, his voice steady but intense. “We need to keep our composure. I know everything that’s happening stems from us, but we both need to be aware of that and do our best for them. Do you think it’s easy for me to see you? It’s not. You have no idea how much I want to hug you, kiss you, and pretend none of this ever happened. But we made a decision, and there’s no turning back. What we need to do now is keep things peaceful–for them.”
Valerie felt her legs weaken, turning to jelly under his piercing gaze. That look he gave her–it was the same one that used to fill her with butterflies when they were young Her mind screamed at her to reach out and embrace him, but something deep inside held her back. Dignity? Anger? Sadness? Confusion? She didn’t know. What she did know was that he was right.
“Fine. What do you want us to do?”
“First, we can’t keep arguing every time we see each other Second, how was your appointment with the gynecologist? How are the babies?”
“About the first, I agree, as long as you stop playing the hem and making me out to be the villain with our kids. And about the second–it went well. The babies are fine. I’ve been given new medications to start this month. Their hearts are very strong.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for the appointment.
“It’s not your fault. Serenity needed to talk to you… She trusts you more than she trusts me.”
“Come, sit down. We need to talk about this,” Marcus said, placing a hand on her back and guiding her back to her chair..
“I suppose she wants to live with you now.”
“No, she doesn’t want to live with me. Besides, Frederick’s house isn’t big enough for the three of us. She wants to live with…” Marcus paused, unsure how to deliver the news.
“With whom? Does she have a boyfriend I don’t know abou? Does she want to get married? Is that why she’s dropping out of university?”
“Valerie, let me finish. It’s nothing like what you’re imagining. What I’m about to tell you surprised me too… She wants to live with Maximus.”
“What?! Over my dead body! She is not living with him! What the hell does Maximus have to do with this? Did he convince her? That damned man must have been pushing her!”
Marcus watched as his ex–wife transformed from an angel into a fury straight out of hell. Not even during their divorce discussions had she reacted like this. Bracing himself for more accusations, he tried to explain.
“Valerie, I beg you to calm down. The babies can’t handle this much stress. She’s not going to Maximus because of him—he doesn’t even know about it.”
“What?! Then what the hell is Serenity thinking?”
“She wants to go to support Laura. Apparently, Maximus’s daughter is pregnant, and Maximus isn’t handling it well…”
Chapter 0602
“That idiot Maximus doesn’t know a damn thing about anything…”
“Maybe, but Serenity isn’t thinking about him. She’s focused on the bond she’s built with Laura. Serenity told me Laura feels isolated among so many men and is very vulnerable. She wants to be there for her during the pregnancy. Serenity even told me something that struck a chord–she doesn’t want Laura to go through what you went through when it was just you and her.”
“Marcus, that’s completely different! I didn’t have a cent to my name back then. I didn’t have anyone to look out for me. Laura lives in a mansion, for God’s sake!”
“Yes, but to Serenity, it’s not about money or staff. She believes Laura needs the emotional support of a woman.”
‘Serenity is delusional if she thinks I’ll allow her to leave.
“Valerie, Serenity is an adult. Even back when we were in Hesperia, she wanted to move out but stayed because we always managed to talk her out of it. Now, if you sit down and really listen to her, you’ll see she’s matured more than we realize. You won’t be able to stop her if she’s set on it.”