Chapter 0610
Maximus arrived at Mannheim Airport in Germany after a short hour–and–a–half flight. Waiting for him at his arrival was a driver ready to take him to Heidelberg. Twenty minutes later, he pulled up to the address where Magnus Evans lived. For a moment, he hesitated, but after gathering his thoughts, he rang the doorbell. There was no answer. He rang again, and a gruff voice came through the intercom.
“Guten Tag!
“Guten Tag! Magnus Evans?”
Maximus responded in perfect German. The man inside knew exactly who was at his door, so he didn’t bother answering; instead, he unlocked it. He’d been expecting this visit for months–over a year, in fact, just as Peter had told him.
Maximus stepped into the elegant apartment, noting the man’s impeccable taste. For the first time, he tried to imagine what Serenity must have felt upon discovering who her real father was. Life was now handing him the same revelation.
“Come in! Don’t just stand there,” came the same gruff voice again.
Maximus walked toward what seemed to be the living room. Upon entering, he came face–to–face with am imposing man who, as people had said, was his spitting image. Older, of course, and with a sadness in his eyes. The man studied him for a few seconds before speaking.
“Peter wasn’t wrong. You’re identical to me!” Magnus said a faint smile on his face.
“Do you know my brother?” Maximus asked hesitantly.
“Of course, I know him! He came here a little over a year ago. But come in, don’t just stand there. Come on… Waffle won’t bother you; he’s an old dog, too lazy to chase anyone,” Magnus replied casually.
“Do you know why I’m here?” Maximus asked again, uncertainty in his voice.
“I assume you’re here for answers,” Magnus said calmly.
“I want to know the whole truth! I want to know why my mother didn’t stay with you and chose that animal instead!”
“I can only tell you what I’ve lived through,” Magnus replied, holding up his hand, which was missing three fingers. “Wait here. I’ll get some coffee.”
Maximus stared, stunned, at the man he now knew was his father. He couldn’t wrap his head around why, after 50 years, this man had suddenly appeared in his life. One question echoed in his mind: Why had Peter told him to come here?
“Your brother was here a year ago. Well, a little over a year Magnus said as he walked back toward him, holding two cups. “We had an interesting conversation. He gave me something that belonged to me–something that broke my heart after all these years, though it brought me some peace, too.”
“Why did Peter come to see you?
“Peter told me what happened to him. We had a good talk. Your father–Leonardo Palmer–is a damn bastard, and Peter found out the truth. Unfortunately for him, he can’t deny his blood.”
“Tell me everything about you and my mother. I need to know. How are you my father? Why didn’t she you?”
“Maximus, why do you insist on stirring up the past?”
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Chapter 0610
“I just found out you’re my father. What else am I supposed to feel?” Maximus shot back, his voice rising.
“I know it’s not the news you were expecting. It’s been so many years. But your brother was right–you deserved to know the truth.”
“There are so many truths…”
“Peter had the time to look for them.”
“Tell me about you and my mother. That’s why I came.”
“What do you want me to tell you?”
Magnus poured coffee into a cup and handed it to Maximus before taking a seat across from him.
“I met your mother when she was 24. She’d been married to Leonardo for two years and worked alongside him. I met her one day when he had traveled to New York. I was working at a corporate law firm, and Catherine sent her to deliver some documents for an acquisition. I still remember that day. It had been long, full of meetings, and she needed my signature. She waited over three hours for me. When I finally saw her, I felt bad. She’d waited so long, and it was already late. So, I invited her to dinner. She hesitated but eventually agreed.