Gud Wife 632

Gud Wife 632

Chapter 0632 

Maximus sighed. Emma, I know I’m inexperienced. I’ve avoided hiring anyone because my younger kids have spent years in boarding school. I didn’t want them to be raised by nannies anymore. Besides, my eldest is 15, and Maurice is 8. They’re not little anymore.” 

I’ve been thinkingI want to come back to this house. These kids need the warmth of a home. Serenity shouldn’t be burdened with a responsibility that isn’t hers. ve always wanted to see how your children turned out, Maximus. I’ve known you since you were born. There’s no one better than me to care for them. Mary wants me to stay with her, but she has Camille and Marcus. You, my dear Maximusyou look very lonely.” 

I just lost my wife, Emma” 

That’s not what I mean. For years, even while you were married, you seemed alone. Despite all the women you had, you’ve always been lonely. Your children are the best part of you, and I want to help you care for them. I’m not as strong as I used to be, but I can still give them the love and care they need. And I want to ease Serenity’s burden. She’s a wonderful girl, as you must have realized, but it’s not fair for her to worry about her siblings when she should be living her life.” 


Like I said, I’m moving in with you, Maximus,Emma declared firmly. I’ll take care of the kids, and I’ll help when Laura’s baby is born. So, don’t even think about saying no. Understood?” 

Yes, Emma,Maximus replied with a sigh. But are you sure moving in won’t make Mary want to come here and yell at me? Or worse, throw something at me?” 

No, I’ve already spoken with her. She’s not thrilled about it, but this is my decision. I’m grateful for everything Mary and Marcus have done for me, but it’s time. Serenity can’t keep playing the role of the responsible big sister forever. She’s young, Maximus. She deserves to live, travel, explore the world, fall in love, and one day get married and have her own children.” 

Emma, don’t put that image in my head. I’m still adjusting to the idea of Laura being pregnant. Thinking about Serenity having babies is too much.” 

You might not like it, but it’ll happen someday. She’s a beautiful young woman with a kind heart. You need to come to terms with itand don’t even think about pulling a Marcus and pushing her to become a nun.” 

A nun wouldn’t be the worst idea,Maximus said, halfjalting

Maximus, you had more girlfriends and lovers than I can count. You can’t expect her not to fall in love someday.” 

She will, I know. But I hope that day is very far away.” 

Emma laughed softly. Aye, Maximus. Well, I’ve said what needed to. Now, help me carry my bags to my room.” 

You’re crazy if you think I’ll let you stay in that awful room you used to have.” 

What?Emma asked, raising an eyebrow

You’re taking one of the guest rooms. I’ve had some bedrooms prepared downstairs so you won’t have to go up and down the stairs. You’re here to support me, not to exhaust yourself. I don’t want you cleaning or running around the house. Emma, you’re not as young as you used to be. If my kids are too much, I can hire extra help under your supervision.” 

Maximus, I raised two childrenI know how to handle it. You’re the one who worries me. I bet you don’t even know the kids need regular checkups. Even though they’re older, you still need to keep track of their medical history

Chapter 0632 

Emma, just promise me you won’t overwork yourself. Remember, you’re not young anymore

Stop fussing and help me with my luggage already!Emma said, playfully swatting him as she walked toward 

the door

Gud Wife

Gud Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Gud Wife


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