Gud Wife 672

Gud Wife 672

Chapter 0672 

That same night, with pain and some difficulty, Valerie got out of bed. The words Maximus had said echoed in her mind: It would be good if you took a look at your beautiful childrenSlowly, she left her room and saw the man guarding the entrance. She asked if he knew where the cribs were, and he helped her get there. Through the glass, she could see her two little ones, looking so small and helpless. Maximus had been right- they weren’t to blame for the burdens their parents carried

Mrs. Bartz, would you like to come in and see the little ones?asked the nurse who was attending to the cribs

Can I?” 

Of course! It would be great for their mother to finally hold them and nurse them. The first milk is essential for these babies, so please come in‘ 

The nurse first handed her the little girl, who was movingslowly, but moving. Valerie sat down on a chair nearby. When she held her, she could feel the baby’s tiny body and noticed how light she was. Her eyes filled with tears. They were so defenseless, and it was true, her babies needed her to be well and healthy. She had to do this for them

It seemed like 

ke the

little girl knew who she was because she began searching for the breast. Valerie brought her closer to her chest and began nursing, tears falling for everything she was feeling in that moment

It’s normal to feel this way!said the nurse who was with her. Right now, your hormones are all over the place, but soon you’ll feel better. These babies are very understanding, it’s like they know their mom needs them. They act like little angels.” 

Thank youReally, thank youfor taking care of my children. I will do everything in my power to get through 


You’ll see, you will. It’s not the first time, nor the only time. Many women go through this, but as your body adjusts to this new phase, the discomfort, sadness, and even anxiety will fade away.” 

Valerie continued to nurse her little girl, and once she fell asleep, the nurse passed her the little boy, who woke up as soon as he smelled his mother. Valerie immediately pressed her baby’s mouth to her chest, and he began to nurse eagerly. It was clear he was hungry, sucking with great determination. The thought crossed Valerie’s mind that this child would likely have the same character as her husband, which made her smile

She and Marcus had a lot to talk about. There were many halftruths that surrounded them. If they wanted their family to continue, they needed to talk it all out. But as Maximus had said, she first needed to heal. She had to close old wounds, for herself and for her family. She wasn’ta young girl anymoreshe was a mother of four little ones. They were her responsibility, and she couldn’t fail them

After nursing her babies, she stayed for a few more minutes, watching how those little ones were fighting for life. They weren’t to blame for arriving in such a complicated situation. She would do everything in her power to close that chapter of her lifeone she may never have fully closed. She had to heal, let go of her grandfather, her father, and all the negative feelings that enveloped her

[ Police Station in Westhaven

Marcus sat in his cell, unable to sleep. The thought of what his wife was going throughthe loneliness with which she was facing everythinghaunted him. He cursed himself for not being honest with Valerie. If he had told her everything from the beginning, she would have been able to decide, but no, he had chosen to play the part of a righteous man

Peter, I swear to God that when I get out of here, you and won’t be the same! This won’t go unpunished. The suffering you’ve caused my wife and my familyI will never forgive you! All of this is because of you….he 


Chapter 672 

muttered under his breath, as a wave of anger and fury surrounded him

Unable to sleep, he got up and signaled to the guard who was watching over him. He gave him money and asked for a cigarette

Mr. Bartz, what do you need?asked the guard, lighting the cigarette for him

I want you to get me your best men. We’re going to start a hunt. We’re going after Frank Levett Jr.. I want everything on him, the darkest and deepest details of this man’s life. I’ve tried doing things the right way, but now it’s time to do things my way” 

Sir, just ask, and we’ll search high and low for him.” 

That’s what I want to hear. You know that any good results will be generously rewarded.” 

I know, sir!” 

Marcus had wanted to handle things in a way that kept his past from resurfacing, but that approach had only kept him locked away longer than he should have been. Now, he had decided to handle things the only way he knewif he had to do things he had sworn never to do again, he would. But one thing was for certain he would be back with his family

In his mind, if he had to take Peter down, he would. That man and his reckless head had caused so many problems. The friendship that once kept Marcus from taking action against him had vanished. First and foremost, was his family his wife, his children, and clearly, himself


you and I will cross paths again, and I swear, it won’t be a friendly reunion!” 

Marcus’s arrival at the Westhaven police station was a surprise to most of the prisoners there. Many of them knew the urban legend of the Bartz family, who were allegedly killed by the Valentian mafia. To see the last surviving Bartz was a shock, but not an unpleasant one. Many admired him and were surprised that the man with fine features was the last of the Bartz family

Gud Wife

Gud Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Gud Wife


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