Chapter 0695
After at least two hours, the medics still hadn’t arrived. Serenity called again, but the news wasn’t good.
Apparently, the patient with the broken foot now had a compound fracture. The two paramedics had gone with him, and it wasn’t clear if they’d come back. The person left on the island had no experience with childbirth.
“Oh God, it’s already evening. I’m guessing the plane isn’t on the island,” Serenity said.
“Exactly,” Alden replied, mentally preparing for what was coming.
“Alden, what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to help this baby be born! You and Emma are going to help me, got it?”
Serenity could only nod, still processing what was happening. Alden ran to the bathroom to disinfect his hands, then headed to Laura’s room, where Emma was already tending to the young woman.
“Alden, it’s been at least four hours, and Laura’s contractions are getting closer together,” Emma said.
“Emma… come here for a moment,” Alden said, stepping out of the room.
Emma assumed something was wrong. Otherwise, why would he be so secretive?
“Emma, there are no paramedics on the island. The ones here are barely trainees, and as you can see, we have no choice but to help this baby be born. I need you to check her dilation. When it’s time, she needs to be at ten centimeters.”
“Alden, son… do you know how to do this?”
“Years ago, I took a course with my son’s mother for emergencies, but I’ve never had to use it. Please, just help me out and let me know how she’s doing.”
“Alright, son. But I think we should let Maximus know…”
“We will, but right now, the priority is to take care of the mother and her baby.”
Emma went back inside to check on Laura. She wasn’t fully dilated yet. Another four hours passed before Laura began experiencing the full force of labor. Her screams echoed through the house.
The children were terrified and just wanted it all to be over. It was traumatic for them to hear everything.
Serenity hugged Laura while Emma monitored her progress. Alden stood ready, waiting to step in when needed. Finally, Emma saw the first signs that the baby was coming. But no matter how much Laura pushed, the baby wouldn’t budge, which worried Alden.
Thinking quickly, he came up with a plan.
“Alright, Serenity, I need you to come here. I’m going to get behind Laura and help her from above.”
Serenity was about to refuse, but if she didn’t do it, Emma wouldn’t be able to either–she was already at her breaking point.
Alden climbed onto the bed and positioned himself behind Laura. He wrapped his arms around her and said, “As soon as you feel a contraction, you need to push. Push with all your strength. I’ll help from here. Don’t worry- it’s going to be okay.”
A few minutes later, the moment arrived. Laura pushed with everything she had while Alden applied gentle pressure to her belly to guide the baby down. Soon, the sound of a newborn’s cries filled the room.
Chapter 0695
“She’s here! Alden, she’s here! The baby’s here!” Serenity exclaimed, holding the tiny girl in a towel to clean her off.
“Alright, now we need to cut the cord. The placenta will come out in a few minutes, Laura. You’ll need to push again, but it won’t hurt as much.”
Emma took the baby in her arms and brought her to Laura, who, with tears streaming down her face, reached out for her daughter.
“Hello, beautiful! Hello, my love! I’m your mommy! I’m going to take care of you, love you, and protect you forever, my little Adele!”
“So, her name is Adele?” Alden asked, curious.
“Yes, her name is Adele,” Laura replied with certainty.
“Alright then, Adele it is.”
“Alden… thank you. Truly, thank you. Thank you, Serenity! Thank you, Emma! I love you all… Thank you for not leaving me alone during this,” Laura said, her voice trembling with emotion.
“Sis, I’d never leave you alone, especially not now with Adele!”
“My girl… You’re a mom now. A strong, beautiful mom. Congratulations!” Emma said, tears in her eyes. Having given birth to two children herself, she felt incredibly blessed to witness the arrival of a new life.
“Alright, now I think it’s time to let your dad know, Serenity. And I need to call the hospital. Adele seems fine, but it’s best to have a doctor check them both over,” Alden said as he left the room.
Serenity watched him go, her heart swelling with love for the man who had just walked out.
In any other situation, many men would have run away, but Alden had faced everything head–on with calmness and responsibility. It made her realize what kind of man he was and how he would handle things when they faced her parents. It also showed what kind of father he could be to their future child.