Chapter 0736
Chapter 0736
“I’m sure they did. But one thing I’m confident in is my very effective persuasion techniques.” Alden leaned in and began tying the man’s hands with duct tape.
Though Alden looked composed, he remembered Theodore’s lessons: never get overconfident. This was one of the first times he would have to do something this extreme on his own, but for his son, there were no limits. Without
of his
hesitation, Alden struck the man on the head with the butt, knocking him out cold. He quickly secured
the man to the chair before waking him up a few minutes later.
The man groaned and tried to move but was completely restrained.
Alden said calmly, “are you going to tell me what want to know, or do I have to make your death a living
“I already told you the kids aren’t here!”
“I don’t believe you.”
Just then, the man’s radio crackled to life.
“Boss… someone’s in the house. I’m going for the kids. Meet me in the basement of the east wing…”
Alden smirked. “Bingo. I knew one of your men would slip up sooner or later. Now, if you’ll excuse me…
He turned away, grabbing his own radio to relay the information to his team.
“Did you hear that?”
“Loud and clear,” one of his men replied. “We’re already close. Actually, one of these leeches slipped past us, but we’re on the way to that location. Meet you there?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there in five minutes.”
Without hesitation, Alden aimed his gun and delivered a final shot to the man in the chair. A clean end. For a moment, he silently thanked the man’s carelessness. If not for the slip–up on the radio, he might have had to resort to methods he wasn’t sure he was capable of this was the first time he’d ever done this alone.
Alden gathered his things and rushed toward the east wing, as mentioned on the radio. When he arrived, he found a man sprawled on the floor, covered in blood.
“Where are the kids?” Alden demanded.
“They’re gone,” the man wheezed. “We weren’t going to let them see what we’ve done–or what we’re about to do–to this place. Go ahead, they’re in the truck… Did you find the leader?”
“I did.”
“Did you finish him, or should I go back for him?”
“He’s already taken care of.”
“Good… For your first time without Theodore, you did well. He’d be proud of you,” the man said, patting Alden on the back.
“The one who won’t be happy is my father…”
“You never know when you’ll need to do things like this. What do you want us to do with this idiot?”
“Finish him and burn this damn place to the ground.”
Chapter 6750
“Got it.”
Handing his bag to the man beside him, Alden sprinted toward the truck they had mentioned. When he opened the door, he found three children inside. They were dressed in dirty, ragged clothes, clearly an attempt to keep them inconspicuous. Their faces were streaked with tears, and Maurice had a bruise on his cheek.
“My babies… Don’t be scared! Don’t be scared! It’s me! Ethan, it’s your dad!” Alden said, pulling off his ski mask.
“Dad!” Ethan cried, throwing himself into Alden’s arms.
“My boy… Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you now. We’re going home,” Alden said, tears streaming down his face as he held him tightly.
The thought that if he’d gone to the UAE and come back, hernight have lost his son forever tore at his heart.
“Never! You’ll never go through something like this again! swear it! Come here, kids! Come here! We’re going home. It’s all over now….”
The children sobbed, unable to believe the nightmare was over so quickly.
Alden’s radio crackled. It was his teammate.
“Alden, we’re cleaning up this mess. Transport is on the way so you don’t have to wait. Take the kids. We’ll talk about our fees later. See you soon, my friend. You’ll have an escort until you board a flight to wherever you need to go.”
“Thanks, my friend. I’ll see you in the Emirates.”
“You know it. See you there.”