Chapter 0760
Peter woke up just before dawn, realizing he was holding the body of a woman next to him. Startled, he almost woke her up when he saw who it was. There she was again. He hesitated, unable to remember her. Furious, he got
and stormed out of the room. He went to the guest room where his luggage was, got dressed, and left the house. immediately.
Brock was still asleep when he heard the sound of a car engine starting. When Peter tried to leave the property, the security staff didn’t allow him to go. He was visibly angry, His memory a blank. His butler ran after him, trying to persuade him to return to the house, but Peter refused. No matter how much they tried to stop him, it was impossible to keep him from leaving.
The butler quickly tried to get in touch with Theodore, who was still in Italy. As soon as he got through, Theodore immediately called Peter.
“Peter… Where are you?”
“Theodore… What do you need?”
“Peter, I need to know where you are. You can’t come to Italy right now. Things aren’t good here.”
“Theodore, can you tell me who the hell that woman in my house is? I’ve asked for her to be removed, but every time I come back, she’s there. And today.. today she was in my bed.”
Theodore had no choice but to give him some kind of explanation. It was all he could think of; clearly, his friend was going through a crisis.
“Peter… I know you don’t remember her, but she… she’s your current partner.”
“No! The only woman I have is Mary, and I’m going to find her.”
“Peter, things in Italy are too dangerous for you to come back right now. Please, I need you to stay in Slovenia. As soon as I finish what I’m dealing with here, I’ll come to you, and we’ll sort this out.”
“Theodore, just don’t lie to me. Who is she?”
“Her name is Celeste. She’s been living with you for over a year now. I know you don’t remember her, but she’s an amazing woman. You need to go back home and stay there.
“No, Theodore! I can’t stay near her. I don’t know who she is, and I don’t trust her.”
“Peter, don’t make this harder for me. Just stay in Slovenia If you want, I’ll find you another place to stay, but you can’t come back to Italy.”
By this point, Peter had pulled his car to the side of the road. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headrest.
“I don’t want to go back home. That woman is there, and honestly… I don’t know who she is. Being near her makes me uncomfortable.”
“Peter… I’ll find you a place where you can stay for a while, but please, don’t do anything reckless.”
Theodore ended the call with a tired sigh. His friend’s condition was deteriorating, his memories slipping further each day. Celeste was undoubtedly suffering the most from it all, but for now, Theodore’s priority was finding a place for Peter to stay. Meanwhile, Peter’s focus was on finding Mary. His memories told him that he needed to, haunted by the anguish of not having made it home in time
[Moriarty Mansion]
Chapter 0760-
“Mr. Moriarty, do you think Marcus Bartz will leave the country?”
“For his sake, I hope so. If he keeps interfering with my plans, I’ll find a way to get rid of him, even if it means sending him off in a coffin. As I’ve told you, before I put my family at risk, I’ll deal with him myself.”
“There’s something I still don’t understand. What do you gain by putting Frank Levett in prison?”
“It’s a long story, but I can assure you that my family won’t be the only one celebrating that day.
“Are you really going to let Peter end up in jail?”
“No! Of course not… He and Magnus have helped me with this investigation, but if Peter stays in the country like Marcus, they’ll ruin everything.”
Chapter 0761
“Do you think Peter will live to see the trial?”
“We need to hurry. The deterioration of his mind is advancing quickly. Have you spoken with Theodore?”
“Yes, he told me Peter is in Slovenia… Why didn’t he tell Marcus that his son is in the Emirates?”
“That’s not my responsibility… What matters to me is putting Frank Levett in jail and finally getting rid of the Levetts.”
“Very well, sir! When will everything come to light?”
“Soon, but after Peter was exposed, I had to delay it. Also, remember that as we’re investigating, I don’t want it to look like a witch hunt.”
“You’re right. Let’s hope Peter can hold up until then. He’s going to be a key witness, along with Alexia Levett.”
“Yes, poor woman, she’s finished… If you had known her in her youth, you’d be stunned.”
“Surely. Have you considered telling your son that you have her? It seems Lucius is persistent and has almost discovered where his mother is twice now.”
“I need to speak to her first. Peter did well in handing her over to me. Now I have Alexia, Frank Levett Sr., and we just need to bring Peter. But we must wait for things to calm down.”
[Marcus Bartz’s House]
“Camille, we need to arrange everything to leave the country immediately. Get the babies ready, we’re leaving tonight.”
“Marcus, but what about Valerie?”
“Camille, she made her choice and decided to stay and live her affair with Peter Palmer.”
“Marcus, what are you talking about? She loves you…!
“Camille, I’m not so sure about that anymore. Please, just do what I’m asking.” Marcus’s voice cracked.
He had spent the whole day trying to calm down and keep his heart at peace, but he couldn’t take it anymore. He was alone with his children. Yes, Camille was there, but if she had to choose between him or Valerie, it was clear she would choose Valerie.
“Camille… I just can’t anymore… I’ve reached my limit. Yesterday afternoon, I found Valerie kissing Peter.”
“What are you saying? Valerie wouldn’t do that…”
“But she did. I saw it with my own eyes, and to be completely honest… I didn’t want to stay there any longer. I knew that if I didn’t leave the hospital, I would’ve done something stupid,” Marcus said, running his hands through his hair.
It was clear the inner turmoil Marcus was going through.
“Son… I know Valerie has had bad moments
but I can assure you, she loves you. I don’t know what happened, but you need to talk to her. For God’s sake! You just brought these beautiful babies into the world.”
“Camille, I saw what happened myself, no one told me. I knew this would happen sooner or later. She never forgot Peter. I was just the man who was there when she needed someone the most, but that doesn’t mean she loves me.”
“Marcus, please, I’m just asking you not to make a hasty decision. You need to talk to her clearly, because I know
Chapter 0761
you, Marcus, and you probably didn’t give her the chance to talk.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” Marcus said, wiping away some tears. “Go ahead, get the kids ready, we need to leave Valentia. We’re going to France for a while.”
“Marcus, you need to talk to Valerie. We can’t leave without her. She’s the mother of the twins, we can’t just leave like that.”
“Camille, I have to leave the country today, and if you don’t want to come, fine, wait for Valerie to come look for us. But the babies are coming with me, understood?”
“Marcus, what do you mean you’re taking the kids? No, you can’t separate them from their mother.”
“Have you forgotten they’ve been away from Valerie for months?”
The man knew Moriarty wasn’t playing around, so leaving Valentia had become a matter of life or death. He still held onto the hope that he would get a chance to speak with Valerie, but for now, the most important thing was to get out of the country.