Chapter 0767
THours Earlier – Moriarty Estate]
“Sir, everything is set. Today, the arrest warrant for Frank evett Jr. will be issued.”
“Excellent news! What time are they planning to detain him?”
“According to reports, they’ll move in at 10:00 AM. If you want to be there, we need to leave soon.”
“Good. Remember, no one–NO ONE–can see me there. Its time to bring Alexia Levett back. Make sure she has everything she needs. That woman is one of our key witnesses.”
“What about Frank Levett Sr.?” the assistant asked curiously.
He had watched his boss carefully put the pieces together over time, but he still didn’t fully understand why Anthony Moriarty held so much resentment toward both the Levett and Palmer families. However, in this case, one of them–or more precisely, the only one still free–would be the key to locking Frank Levett Jr. and Leonardo Palmer away for life.
“A month and a half ago, when Marcus was planning to put him in a nursing home, I had an interesting conversation with him. The man is fully on board with what we’re doing. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to save himself. He knows his name will never be cleared, but at least he’ll be able to die in peace.”
“And the third witness?”
“Peter Palmer. He and everyone around him still believe he can’t return to Valentia, but once the trial starts, I’ll bring him back. I just hope he doesn’t cause more problems with Marcus Bartz. Last time, Marcus wanted to kill him, and I couldn’t afford to let that happen.”
“I thought he wouldn’t make it to the trial…”
“So did I, but no–he’s still alive, and I know he’ll be setting foot in Valentia soon.‘
“How can you be so sure?”
“Celeste Mason. She’s currently living in Willowcombe, Valentia. And she’s pregnant.”
“Peter is going to be a father? Wow… That man never stops surprising me.”
“That works in my favor. As long as that woman is in Valentia, hè won’t stray too far. Her pregnancy is a perfect advantage. If Peter tries to back out or refuses to hold up his end of the deal, we’ll use her–and his future children -to keep him in line.”
“Did you say children?”
“Yes, she’s expecting twins.”
“You really have her under close watch.”
“She’s Peter’s woman. I don’t see why I wouldn’t.”
“Let’s go. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
A few hours later, Frank Levett Jr. was taken out of Palmer Group headquarters in handcuffs. Watching from the shadows was Anthony Moriarty, who, despite rubbing the arrest in Frank’s face, had disappeared from sight by the time they walked him out.
Chapter 0767
+25 5 BONUS
The news spread like wildfire. Anyone still associated with the Levett family started quietly cutting ties. The charges weren’t minor crimes—they were serious offenses Most people had always known that Frank Levett Sr. was involved in these dirty dealings, but they never suspected his son had continued them. Many of those once close to the Levett family now realized they, too, had unknowingly been involved.
At Magnus’s house, he and Maximus sat in front of the TV, watching the news. Both men listened carefully as the reporters listed the charges against Frank Levett Jr.
Maximus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. According to the reports, all of these crimes had originally been linked to Frank Levett Sr.
“Magnus, why are they pinning all of this on Frank Levett ? You know very well that’s not what the reports said.” Maximus’s tone was serious.
“Anthony Moriarty is looking for someone to pay the price Frank Levett Sr. is an old man–he can’t see, he can barely speak, and he can hardly move. What do you think was going to happen?”
“Exactly. At least this way, one of the Levetts will finally pay.’
“Yeah, but it won’t be the right one.”
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“Frank Levett Jr. isn’t innocent either. He knew exactly what his father was involved in, and he did nothing to stop it. In fact, he enjoyed the money that came from all those illegal activities. His entire business empire was built with dirty money. Maximus, justice always comes–sooner or later.”
“Do you know why Moriarty is so interested in clearing the Bartz name?”
“I only know what Anthony has told me. Why do you ask?”
“Because I still don’t understand it. I know Frederick and Theodore are helping him, but at the end of the day, why would a man who appeared out of nowhere care so much about erasing the Bartz family’s past?”
“That man you just saw on TV–Frank Levett Jr.–murdered his own aunt, his father’s sister.”
“What?! How? I don’t understand…”
“The Moriarty family, the Bartz family, and the Preston family–like I told you before, and as you’ve read—were actually the founders of Bartz Groups. The Bartzs met the Palmers when they arrived in Valeria. At first, they were good neighbors. But then, greed and envy drove them apart