Chapter 0810
Marcus sat in silence for a moment after speaking with Serenity and Alden, feeling an emptiness in his chest. He couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that his little girl was no longer a little girl–she was a woman, one who had chosen her life partner.
“Alden, you should take Serenity home. She needs to rest. The trip was long, and she must be exhausted. In her condition, she shouldn’t be pushing herself like this. I understand you want to stay here with Peter, but she needs
to rest.”
“Yes, that’s something I’ve been thinking about,” Alden admitted. “But before we leave, we need to talk to Mrs. Bartz. I think both Serenity and you would agree that this conversation still needs to happen.”
Marcus wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. He and Serenity had always done things behind Valerie’s back, but this wasn’t a simple mischief. This was something they had to address now. He also knew his wife was overwhelmed and upset part of her anger had been directed at Serenity, but Marcus understood that he was her real concern. She was afraid of his reaction
Before Serenity could face her mother, Marcus had to talk to his wife first.
“Mr. Bartz, I’m going to check if there’s a roomavailable for Serenity to rest in. Can I leave my wife with you?” Alden asked hesitantly.
The word wife hit Marcus like a dagger to the chest. From now on, someone else would be looking out for Serenity. His baby, his little girl, was leaving the nest.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he forced his voice to stay steady. “Go ahead. And while you’re at it, find something for her to eat–she and the baby shouldn’t be skipping meals.”
“Of course… I’ll be right back,” Alden replied. He turned to Serenity, gently letting go of her hand. “I’ll be back soon, my love.”
Marcus was sitting in an armchair, but the moment Alden walked away, he moved to sit beside his daughter. Serenity kept her gaze lowered, unable to meet his eyes.
“Serene… What am I going to do with you?” Marcus murmured, pulling her into his arms.
He held her tightly against his chest and sighed.
“You made me a grandfather! And I’m way too young for that. You couldn’t even let me have the satisfaction of rubbing it in Maximus’s face, could you?”
“What?” Serenity asked, confused.
“Maximus is younger than me, and Laura made him a grandpa first.”
“What? I wanted to throw it in his face! But now I can’t, because you beat me to it.”
“You’re awful, Dad!”
“I know,” Marcus chuckled, finally letting out some of the tension he’d been carrying,
That little exchange was all it took to break the ice between them. He rested his chin on her head, remembering all the moments they had shared. Serenity had been his lifeline
Even though he had eventually married Valerie, it was Serenity’s arrival that had changed everything for him. She had helped him move past his anxiety, his sleepless nights, his aimless walks to clear his mind—and not to
Chapter 0810
mention his old habit of jumping from woman to woman.
She was the child he never got to hold in his arms at birth. She was the mischievous little girl who had crawled into his heart and made a home there.
Every day, he had woken up determined to be a better man once looked up at him and called him Dad for the very first
not for himself, but for her. For the little girl who had me.
A single tear slipped down his cheek as he remembered the moment. That word had changed his world.
She might not have been his daughter by blood, but she was his daughter. And right now, he was the one suffering the most from this marriage–not because he didn’t want her to grow up, but because, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t see a woman sitting beside him.
He still saw a two–and–a–half–year–old little girl who needed to be protected.
“Serene… What are we going to do?” he sighed. “Where do you two plan on living? Have you even thought about that? What has that man you chose as a husband told you? Does he treat you well? Because if he doesn’t, you know I’ll be more than happy to step in and be this baby’s father.
“Dad… He’s a wonderful man, and you know it. He’s taken care of us, he’s watched over all of us–he’s an amazing man for me. And no, we haven’t talked about where we’ll live yet. Honestly, his main concern surviving your reaction,” Serenity admitted with a small smile.
“That bastard must have some flaw!”
“He’s divorced.”
“No! There has to be something else! He can’t be perfect!”
“Dad, he’s a good man. Why is that so hard for you to believe?”
Marcus hesitated for a moment before sighing. “To be honest… I just wish he hadn’t taken responsibility for the baby.”