Chapter 0832
Lucius frowned as he sat beside her. “What did that man want? What kind of deal do you have with him? He’s been helping us ever since I cut ties with Maximus, but I still don’t understand why.”
She exhaled slowly.
“Lucius, you’re a man now. And lately, you’ve been acting like one–something I’m incredibly proud of.”
Her voice wavered slightly.
“I never thought I’d admit it, but it’s true. When you were born, you became mine. Something that, for the first time in my life, belonged only to me.”
Her eyes turned glassy as she continued.
“I loved you from the moment I saw you. And I’m sorry–I’m sorry I wasn’t a good mother to you or your siblings. Being in this miserable situation has made me see things for what they really are.”
Lucius swallowed. “What do you mean, Mom?”
“I mean there are a lot of things I need to thank you for. You’ve always been by my side. I pushed your brothers and sister away–not because I didn’t love them, but because they made me weak.”
She clenched her fists.
“Being a mother makes you protective, and that… that was a weakness I couldn’t afford–not with your grandfather and father watching.”
Lucius’s face darkened. “Maximus? That bastard!”
“No, son.” She shook her head. “Maximus never did anything as vile or perverse as Leonardo and Frank. He loves you, Lucius. And I hope that one day, you’ll give him a chance.”
Lucius scoffed bitterly.
“One day, I hope you let him be part of your life. What I did to both of you was wrong. But your safety—and mine –depended on you believing Leonardo was your father.”
His jaw tightened. “I will never understand why you endured all of that.”
“Because I was a fool. And because I didn’t want to lose everything I had.”
She let out a dry chuckle, gesturing at herself.
“And yet, look at me now. What was all that money and power worth? I can’t even walk. I can’t move. And the doctors say it would take a miracle for me to ever lift a finger again.‘
Lucius’s face softened. “Mom, I do
Alexia’s expression hardened.
care about any of that. I’m staying with you for as long as life allows it.”
“Lucius… that’s exactly what I need to talk to you about.”
“Mom, not this again-”
“Shut up and listen.”
Her voice, weak as it was, still carried authority.
Chapter 0832
“I may be stuck in this damn bed, but I’m still your mother and you will respect me.”
Lucius sighed, defeated. “Fine. I’m listening.”
She reached out weakly, taking his hand.
“My son… I’m a burden to you. And you don’t deserve that
Lucius shook his head furiously. “You are not a burden!”
“Yes, I am.” She gave him a sad smile. “You’re young. You’re handsome. And you have a big heart–God knows where you got it from, but it’s there.”
Her grip tightened slightly.
“You need to move on. You need to live, Lucius. You need to be happy.”
“I am happy, Mom. I’m happy being with you.”
“No, son. That’s not happiness.”
Her voice cracked slightly.
“Happiness is living your life–not letting it revolve around me.”
She took a deep breath before saying,
“I’ve decided… this is good
“Mom!” Lucius’s voice broke.
She squeezed his hand. “No. Listen to me. Take care of yourself. Grow. Become a good man–the man I know you already are.”
A tear slipped down his cheek.
“One day, I hope you reach out to your siblings. I don’t want you to be alone forever. I want you to have a family.”
“I will–but with you by my side.”
She closed her eyes for a moment, steeling herself.
She opened them again, locking her gaze with his.
“This is where our paths separate. I need to find a place to rest. And you–you need to keep going. You need to finish university, work, and build something for yourself. One day, you’ll find a good woman–God forbid someone like me, but you’re smart. You’ll know how to choose.‘
Tears streamed down Lucius’s face.
“I love you, Lucius. But we can’t stay together anymore.”
“Mom…” he whispered, his voice shaking.
He never saw the person standing behind him.
But Alexia did.
She met Anthony’s gaze and gave a small nod.
Chapter 0832
And then, she smiled.
A moment later, Lucius’s body went limp.
Anthony caught him effortlessly, cradling him like a child.
“With this, Alexia, we’re even.” His voice was low but firm. “You leave and never come back. I’ll take care of your son for as long as life allows me to.”
Alexia’s eyes glistened.
“Thank you, Mr. Moriarty.”