Chapter 0097
Chapter 0097
Aurora watched as Mary entered the clinic, her figure small and fragile against the grand white building that exuded calm. The lush gardens surrounding it gave a sense of peace, but Aurora couldn’t help. feeling anxious about leaving her friend.
Mary had hesitated at the entrance, but the steady reassurance of Aurora’s hand in hers gave her courage to move forward. Inside, the soothing hum of soft voices and the sight of people walking peacefully through the hallways was disorienting for her. Everyone seemed normal–smiling even. What was this place where broken hearts sought healing instead of broken bodies?
Dr. Hill greeted Mary warmly, her presence radiating calm authority.
“Welcome, Mary, I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s get you registered and settled,” she said with a kind smile.
Though unsure, Mary nodded and followed. Aurora accompanied her for the formalities, signing papers and ensuring Mary knew she wasn’t alone. When it was time for Aurora to leave, the friends shared a tight hug.
“I’ll visit as often as I can,” Aurora promised, her voice steady. “Remember, you’re stronger than you think. You’ll get through this.”
Mary watched her go, feeling the familiar ache of abandonment, but she forced herself to turn back to Dr. Hill, determined to face whatever came next.
“Are you ready to begin your new life?” Dr. Hill asked gently.
Mary’s voice trembled, but she answered, “Yes.
Dr. Hill led Mary through the gardens. The two walked in silence for a time, the crisp scent of blooming flowers surrounding them. Dr. Hill began asking casual questions to ease Mary into opening up, her tone light and non–invasive.
“Tell me about yourself, Mary. How would you summarize your life?”
Mary hesitated, staring at the vibrant greenery. She finally exhaled deeply, leaning back against the bench they’d reached.
“I was born on July 17. My mother died giving birth to me, and my father has hated me for it my entire life. He blamed me for her death and found every excuse to hurt me–whether with words or his fists.
“My grandparents raised me until I was seven or eight After my grandmother passed, my father sent. me to boarding schools to get rid of me. My grandfather begged for custody, but my father refused, using me to control him.
“When I escaped to my grandfather’s care briefly, it didn’t last. My father always found me and punished me in ways that still make me shiver–starving me, beating me, or locking me away. When I was finally taken out of his reach, it was abrupt, and I’ve spent the last five years without seeing my grandfather, the only person who ever loved me unconditionally.”
Mary’s voice faltered, but she pushed on.
Chapter 0097
“I thought things would be better with Peter. He let me live freely, even letting me work as a waltress. I had hope. But I made the worst decision of my life–married his brother, Maximus.
“That was a mistake.”
She laughed bitterly, her eyes misty.
“The first thing Maximus sald to me as his wife was, “Welcome to your hell.‘ And it was. He insulted me, grabbed me, left bruises, and eventually hit me. None of that hurt as much as hearing him say, over and over, that he didn’t love me.
“But I loved him. I loved him so much that I ignored all the signs, all the pain, and convinced myself he would change. I was a fool. A few nights ago, I decided to forgive him, to try again. I gave myself to him completely, believing his promises. The next morning, he was gone.
Dr. Hill watched as tears cascaded down Mary’s face.
“I saw it on social media,” Mary whispered. “Maximus was at the hospital with Alexia Levett, and the news confirmed her pregnancy. My husband is having a child with another woman. The same night he held me in his arms, he was thinking of her.
“What am I supposed to do with that?” she asked, her voice breaking.
Dr. Hill reached out, placing a steadying hand on Mary’s shoulder.
“What happened to you isn’t fair. It isn’t right. And it’s okay to feel like the world is crashing down. But I promise you, Mary, this is the beginning of your healing.
“Here, we’ll work on forgiveness–not for him, but for you. Forgiveness of yourself for loving someone who hurt you, for staying when you should have left. You’ll learn to forgive the past that shaped you without letting it define your future.”
Mary sobbed quietly as she listened, her body trembling
“You’re young,” Dr. Hill continued, her voice soothing “You still have a life ahead of you. You can finish school, pursue a career, and find love again–love that isn’t built on pain or regret. You’ll recognize what you don’t want, and you’ll choose better next time. This isn’t the end, Mary. It’s just the beginning.”
Mary slowly rested her head on Dr. Hill’s lap, curling into herself.
“Can you touch my
hair?” she asked softly, her voice small. “It calms me. It makes me feel better.”
Dr. Hill’s hand gently stroked Mary’s braided hair, offering comfort.
“You’ll be okay,” she whispered. “Not today, not tomorrow, but someday soon, you’ll look back at this moment and see how far you’ve come.”
Mary closed her eyes, allowing herself, for the first time in years, to feel safe.