Chapter 0272
[Present day]
After the heated argument with his wife, Maximus was left with a pounding headache and trembling hands. Over the years, the anxiety he’d developed after his brother’s death had become more evident with each passing day. While Diana had been in his life, he’d managed to keep it under control. But that had been five years ago, and his health was steadily declining.
The news of Bartz returning to Valentia surprised him but also lifted a weight off his shoulders. If Bartz wanted it, Maximus was ready to hand over the presidency. Secretly, he wished for it. He had been shouldering
responsibilities that were never truly his for far too long. The legitimate owner was Bartz, and what had once been a prosperous Palmer family business was now nothing more than a memory—and a name.
“Joseph, get me in touch with the staff at the Paternity Analysis Clinic!” Maximus ordered, clutching his trembling hand.
“Sir, are you feeling all right?” Joseph asked, concerned.
“Was I not clear? I need to speak to them. If possible, schedule me an appointment for today,” Maximus said sharply.
“Yes, sir”
The recent argument with his ex–wife had left Maximus with more questions than answers. Alexis Levett, his wife and the mother of his children–was she really a different person than the one he thought he knew? Could he have been so blind? How would he handle the truth if it tuned out he’d been wrong about her?
For years, Maximus had avoided looking into his wife’s background, out of fear–fear of what he might find. His lifelong friend, Alex Rice, had always been skeptical of Alexis, but Maximus had brushed it off as a bad first impression. Alexis had always been the pampered darling of her parents, and her grandfather adored her even more. He’d proven it when Peter pushed her down the school stairs–he’d been willing to move mountains for her. Maximus had been waiting for a full report on his wife’s life and character. He thought he knew her–spoiled, indulged, and willful. He was aware of how she’d once intimidated Mary, but he had always chalked it up to the pressure Catherine had put on him. He wanted to believe that in a different situation, Alexis would never have dared to act that way.
Deep down, Maximus still clung to the hope that Alexis wasn’t heartless. He didn’t want to believe she’d stoop so low as to use underhanded tactics to push Mary out of his life. But if it turned out she had–how would he face that truth? How could he accept that the woman he married was capable of such cruelty? And what would he do next?
Lost in this endless cycle of unanswered questions, Maximus was startled when Joseph interrupted.
“Sir, the clinic appointment is set. They’ll see you in an hour, so you’ll need to hurry. I’ve explained that it’s a confidential matter, and they’ve assured me they’ll handle it with discretion,” Joseph informed him.
you, Joseph,” Maximus said, grabbing his coat and briefcase. “Contact Aurelius Abbott and tell him to meet me at the clinic. I need to discuss some matters privately with him.”
As Maximus drove to the clinic, one thought dominated his mind–it was time to find out if his three children were really his. In his briefcase, he carried strands of their hair, which he’d discreetly collected over the weekend they spent together. He was certain that Laura wasn’t his daughter, but he needed solid evidence to make the drastic decisions he was considering
Bartz’s presence in Valentia unsettled him, but if the man wanted the company, Maximus would gladly hand it
Chapter 0272
over. He was done with endless arguments and disputes. It was time to distribute what belonged to everyone. One final test remained, one that would take a little longer to arrange–but it had to be done. He would contact Serenity. She was of legal age and didn’t need her mother’s permission. In their rare exchanges, Serenity’s pride had been evident, and Maximus intended to appeal to that pride to give her what was rightfully hers by birth.
At the clinic, Maximus handed over the hair samples, and the staff took his own sample. He spoke with the clinic director about another concern–how to conduct a paternity test involving his deceased brother Peter, who had been cremated. The doctor explained that siblings typically share 50% of their DNA, and in the absence of remains from the father, an uncle could provide a sample. In this case, the uncle and niece would share 25% of their DNA.
Maximus understood that this test would fulfill the clause His father had put in place. This way, the 11% share that belonged to Serenity could be transferred to her without issue. The challenge now was convincing her. That would require strategy. The percentage she stood to inherit was significant, and a clever girl like Serenity knew it well. Last time, she had spoken from the heart, not from reason
Maximus left the clinic determined. It was time to finalize the past and prepare for what came next.
Chapter 0273