Chapter 21
Alexander Winters:–
“Mr. Winters, Miss. Charlotte Winters is here to meet you. Should I send her in?” my assistant informs in a professional business tone over the intercom.
I was already in a bad mood due to Cat’s emotion about feeling guilty and needing space from me, and after hearing Charlotte’s name, my day just got worse. I just hate the mention of her, and now I have to see her. Buy why is she here?
“Send her in.” I said over the intercom and leaned back against the chair as I waited for the biggest mistake of my life entered.
My ex–wife and mother of Laila. Charlotte. After a few seconds, the door to my office opened and entered Charlotte, dressed up in designer goods with fake surgeries all over her body parts making her look hideous instead of beautiful.
“Oh, hello my sexy ex–husband.” she spoke in a sultry fake seductive tone making me roll my eyes and looking at her open fake cleavage made me want to vomit. How did I spend twenty years of my life with this woman?
“What do you want Charlotte and how many times I have asked you not to use Winters name as your last name. We are divorced and I don’t want any connection with you.” I spat at her “You look hideous like always by the way like always, but then again you already know that, don’t you, you two time bitch
Her smile spread across her face as if my remarks were very funny.
“Oh, come now, darling. Well, everyone knows Winters name has this strong, prestige kind of reputation. And in the spirit, technically I am still Laila’s mother. Well, that has to be worth something, shouldn’t it? Although you have already brainwashed her against me, which is why she never want to see me. All she does is talk to me over the phone.”
I scoffed. “It counts for nothing. You have only been a mother in the most basic sense. Quit using a name that is no longer yours.” I surveyed her with complete disinterest and yet my eyes lingered a little too long on the fake bosom she was essentially thrusting at me.
Not because I was interested in them, but I wanted to pop them with a sharp pin as a balloon is popped. I compared Cat’s lush handful breasts, perfectly round and full with raspberry nipples with the sweetest taste I have ever tasted and how good they feel in my hands and my mouth.
“And for the record, you look so fake filled with cheap plastic. Any doctor that you are paying for those surgeries is overcharging you but then again why should I care? You can afford it, right? After how much wealth you received from me after the divorce.”
She just screwed up her face and forced a small smile before regaining her usual pretended cheerful look. I bet if she smiles. a little bit more, her lips will fell from her ugly face. She is that bad. Trust me.
“Always so cruel,” she said with faux indignation. ” Once upon a time you used to find me and my body sexy and beautiful, Alexander? What happened now?”
“Yeah, well, a lot has changed since then,” I shot back. “Like my tolerance for your fucking nonsense.”
She very purposefully crossed her legs and positioned herself on the front of my desk and placed her ass on it, in a sitting position close to me. I felt my irritation spike.
“Why are you here, Charlotte? I do not have time for stupid games. And, get off here.”
Her lips curled into a smirk. “I came to talk about Laila.”
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Chapter 21
This made my jaw tense with the mention of my daughter. “What about Laila?”
“She’s been acting different, tacting cold towards me on the calls Charlotte responded in a fake worried and hurt manner as if she was a caring mother who was hurt by her daughter’s actions.
When all my life I have raised Laila on my own while she had either been drunk, drugged, gambling or fucking other men behind my back thinking I didn’t know when I did. I was just tolerating her because of Laila and waiting for the time to get rid of Charlotte once Laila reaches the age of maturity.
And fortunately when she did, it was her who asked me to divorce her mother and live my life. Laila has been nothing but a good daughter to me and always made me feel proud of her, until she decided to snatch Cat’s boyfriend.
I know I shouldn’t be feeling good about that, but I do, since this led Cat to me, or else I would have never found Cat, slept with her and today expecting my baby with her. But, then again Laila did let me down by breaking Cat’s heart and her trust.
I can see it in Cat’s eyes that she geniunely cares about Laila as her sister and loves her, that is the reason why she feels guilty but she needs to understand that she has her own life, and Laila has her own and they both are allowed to make their own decision.
“I thought maybe you’d know why. After all, you’ve have been carrying out the role of a tender–hearted father lately, haven’t you? So, have you got any idea why is she acting so cold and distant towards me?”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Laila’s fine. And if she’s cold, then she must have doesn’t want to have any kind of relationship with you.”
Charlotte laughed, a nasty laugh, and it sounded cruel. “Always so quick you.”
grown tired from watching your dramatics and
to blame me. I thin
may be that she is distant due to
I stood, towering over her. “Cut to the chase, Charlotte. What do you really want?”
“You really want to know what do I want, Alexander?” she asked leaning her back against the desk, and begin to unzip the front zipper of her bodycon dress, until it was all the way down to her thighs.
“Then the answer is. I want you, Alexander. I want you to fuck me.” she said, wrapping her legs around me waist and pulled me over, taking me by surprise when the door to the office burst open and entered Cat who stopped dead in her tracks when she found Charlotte and me in a compromising position.
“Oh my God!” Cat gasped, and dropped her bag in shock, as tears begin to form in her eyes “I…I am sorry for interrupting. I should have knocked before coming.” she turned around and begin to leave when I pushed Charlotte off me and ran towards her.
“Cat, no wait! Cat stop, it’s not what it looks like.”