Chapter 138
Fleur was fuming as she stared at Yvette. It wasn’t easy for her to keep her composure, especially since Yvette was brought home by her own son.
Rejecting Yvette outright would be like slapping Gideon in the face, and she was also worried about making him angry..
“Gideon, have you really thought this through?” Fleur asked, glancing at her son. “I think she might not be the perfect match for our family, but if this is what you’ve decided, I know there’s no point in arguing.”
Gideon couldn’t help but glance at Calliope. She was busy playing a game with Calista and Dahlia, not paying him any attention.
Meanwhile, Silas was gazing at Calliope with an undeniable affection, which only fueled the fire burning in Gideon’s chest.
“I love Yvette,” Gideon stated firmly. “Mom, Dad, Grandpa, whether you agree or not, I’m marrying her. I’m not here to ask for your permission, I’m here to inform you.”
Yvette’s heart skipped with joy at his words. She couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Calliope, initially with a hint of defiance.
But a wave of frustration washed over her when she saw Calliope was uninterested and hadn’t even glanced their way. It felt like she was gearing up for a competition, only to find the other person couldn’t care less, standing still while everyone else cheered.
Yvette bit her lip, telling herself that soon she would finally become Mrs. Baker.
“No one’s opposing you,” Eamon said, frowning as he looked at Fleur and James. “Do you both agree?”
Fleur shot Yvette a glare but nodded her reluctant agreement.
Gideon and Yvette then sat down to discuss wedding plans. Yvette had already picked a few dates, hoping for the soonest possible ceremony within the next three months.
She wasn’t thrilled about involving her family; they weren’t exactly the type to impress the Baker family, and she worried their meeting might jeopardize the union.
But Eamon insisted on a family meeting, so she reluctantly agreed to bring it up with her folks.
“Okay, we’ll leave it at that for now,” Eamon stated. “We’ll discuss the details once Yvette’s parents are here.”
“And Gideon, there’s something important I need to remind you about,” Eamon said, looking sternly at Gideon, which prompted everyone else to do the same.
“Yes, Grandpa?”
“Yvette is your choice. I know you went to see her when you were supposed to marry Callie. So, if Callie chose Silas, it’s not her fault. That’s on you,” Eamon said sternly.
Gideon looked over at Calliope, nodding slightly. “I know I was wrong.”
“Since you acknowledge your mistake, you must explain this to everyone at your wedding. Clear up any confusion.
And there are some nasty rumors about Callie going around lately. Since it’s your fault, you must deal with those, too. You owe Callie that much.”