SHADOW Novel 101

SHADOW Novel 101

Chapter 94 

Chapter 94 

Winnie the Pool 

I’ll bring some cookies 

A small grin makes it’s way to my face as I huff out a short laugh. Trust her to always make me feel better

I set an alarm on my phone before turning off the lights. I lay back down on the couch with Winnie’s blanket wrapped around me and my feet hanging off the couch

I’m so fucking stupid 


I let out a grunt as Flynn flops down right on top of me while I lean against the trunk of a large oak tree in the school 


You were right!His voice comes out muffle due to his face being buried in my stomach

About what?I ask him, making him look up at me

I do like Octavia and I was trying to convince myself I don’t.” 

I give him a cheeky grin. I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.” 

He rolls his eyes and slaps my thigh, making me yelp and slap the back of his head

I am regretting every single one of my life choices from the last twentyfour hours and I want to die.He whines, burying his face back in my stomach

I run my hands through his hair. There, there, you poor, stupid child. Tell me everything.” 

He takes a deep breath before explaining everything that happened last night. By the time he’s finished his story, I’m left slightly annoyed

I love Octavia and all, but does she really think she can use that as an excuse to sleep with Flynn? My best friend? Not only that, but she doesn’t have the right to be feeling hurt enough to have to get drunk then try to use someone as a distraction then feel hurt after being rejected by them.. 

Don’t get me wrong, it sucks that the guy she loved for years, doesn’t love her back. And he shouldn’t have used her to try and convince himself he’s straight. But she shouldn’t have forced him to go on dates with her after he said no neither

I talked to Lucas last night after getting grounded. I used the house phone to call the Anderson residence to talk to him because dad took my phone off me for the night. Who uses the damn landline anymore?! 

He had told me he felt pressured to tell Octavia he’s gay because he felt awful leading her on like that -as he should- and would rather her hate him for the rest of his life than go through with sleeping with her, even though she was the one that was kind of forcing it. He’s also been calling and texting her everyday and apologising. She doesn’t even answer. Lucas was basically pushed out of the closet. On his face. He wasn’t able to come out in his own time and he resents Octavia for that

She doesn’t know what it’s like to be anything but straight in the world. She doesn’t know what it’s like to feel scared because of homophobic people and such. And admittedly, neither do I. but I try to understand him as much as I can, which Octavia hasn’t bothered to do, instead choosing to wallow in her own selfpity of him not loving her the same way she loves him

The Heiress’s Shadow 

Chapter 51 

So no, my 

my sister doesn’t have the right to be as hurt as she is. Octavia and Lucas are both in the wrong, but at least Lucas has been trying to fix things

I need to have a little chat with my dear sister

I shake myself out of my thoughts and pull a ziplock back of chocolate chip cookies out of my bag, handing them to Flynn. Listen, you can come over after school and spill your guts then, alright? But for now, I need to talk to Octavia.” 

He nods slightly. Okay.” 

I ruffle his hair and stand up, rushing into the school building. When I get to my locker, I find Adonis and Kamri staring at something down the hall. I roll my eyes as I walk up next to them and see what it is

Can I yell across this crowed hallway and tell her she’s an idiot?I ask Adonis and Kamri as we watch Octavia flirt with one 

of the meatheads from the football team

Yes, but also no.Kamri answers as we stare down the hall at my sister

What the fuck does

that mean?Adonis mumbles

bles, none of us taking our eyes of my 


as we glare daggers into her back

Who the fuck are you creeps stalking?We all jump and turn around at Flynn’s voice 

No one.” 

A chicken running around the school.” 

My sister flirting with one of your shitforbrains teammates.” 

We all answer at the same time. Adonis and Kamri both slap the back of my head simultaneously as my answer registers in 

their heads

Ow, don’t touch what you can’t afford.I huff out, smoothing down my hair as they glare at me

Flynn narrows his eyes at us suspiciously before looking in the direction we were staring in mere minutes ago, his face dropping

She doesn’t remember.He mumbles dejectedly

Adonis bites his lip. To be fair, you did tell her while she was drunk because she wouldn’t remember.” 

Chapter 95 



Status: Ongoing


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