Chapter 101
Chapter 101
“I know.”
“And now she’s gone.”
“I know.”
“I just I always thought she’d be here.” I pick at my fingernails. “I knew she was sick but I guess it didn’t really sink in until she was actually gone.”
“Yeah…” He whispers, sadly. “I know.”
His hand covers mine to stop me picking at my nails. I throw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, dad. And 1 don’t say it enough.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.” One of his hands come up to stroke my hair. “I love you and your sister more than anything.”
I can’t help the smug smirk that curls up on my lips.
“Why the hell are you smiling like that?”
“I knew you loved Flynn.”
“I will d
“I will disown you.”
I just laugh and he lightly slaps the back of my head, a grin growing on his own face.
Oh.” We look over to see Octavia in the doorway of the kitchen. “I thought you’d left for work already.”
“I was just leaving.” Dad tells her, planting a kiss on my forehead before pulling away and smoothing my hair down. He walks over and hugs her tightly, kissing the top of her head. “I love you.”
Octavia sends me a confused look over his shoulder but hugs him back nevertheless. “Love you, too, dad.”
He ruffles her hair before walking away. We stand in silence after we hear the front door open and close.
I blow air into my cheeks and Octavia purses her lips, kicking at the floor awkwardly.
“Do you…” I trail off as
f as she
snaps her head up
look at me. “Do you want dinner? I made Chicken Alfredo.”
“With bacon?”
“With bacon.”
She smiles at me. “Please.”
I gesture over to the stove. “Help yourself. I’m ain’t your fucking slave.”
She rolls her eyes and laughs slightly, grabbing a plate and making her way over to the stove. “Bitch”
“Asshat.” I reply and we laugh. It’s silent for a moment as she scoops out her food before I speak up. “You have an apology to
make tomorrow.”
Chapter 101
“I know.”
“So, how do you plan on apologising to Flynnigan?” I ask my sister as I drive us to school on a stupid, early Monday morning.
Fuck Mondays. Mondays can die.
“I don’t know.” She hums, shuffling through her bag to make sure she has the money to buy prom tickets. “Think he’ll go to prom with me?”
I spare a quick, blank look at her before looking back at the road. “Are you kidding me?”
“As friends.” She corrects herself, zipping her bag back up. “I wanna apologise and ask him to prom at the same time. Kinda like starting fresh.”
“Oh!” I grin. “A Prompology!”
“Oh my god!” She groans, not being able to keep in her laughs. “That sounds so stupid!”
1 shrug. “Better than Promposal“.”
“Promposal is an actual thing.”
“Still sounds stupid.” I tell her as I pull into an empty parking spot. “People put more thought into Promposals than actual marriage proposals. It’s ridiculous.”
Octavia just shakes her head as we get out of the car. I lock the door and pull on the handle to make sure it’s locked. “Your ADHD ass is getting distracted again. My plan?”
Right,” I purse my lips, “I mean, he’ll forgive you either way. But that doesn’t mean you should make a half–assed apology.”
“I won’t.” She hits my shoulder.
“And bring cookies.”
“For Flynn?”
“No, for me! I need something to eat while I watch the train wreck go down!”
“The train wreck?” She exclaims. “You just said he’d forgive me!”
“Not before the mess that is ‘Flynn Rider and Octavia Blake; Shilshow Edition“.”
“I hate you.”
“Right back at ya.”
“Winnie!” We both turn around to see Adonis jogging down the hall towards us.
“Oh, look! There’s loverboy!” She grins, nudging me and 1 punch her arm in return.
“Shut up.” I hiss as he reaches us.
“Hey, Local” He grins, kissing my cheek. I subtly kick Octavia when I see her giving me a suggestive raise of her eyebrows. “Hey, Tavi. I’m still mad at you so you better be thinking of apologising to my Flynn soon.”
Chapter 101
I snort as Octavia groans. “I am! I already have a plant I’m leaving.”
Adonis and I watch her stomp down the hallway to God knows where.
“So, I start, opening my locker and throwing my things inside. “You going to prom?”
“I don’t know yet.” He explains, leaning on the locker next to me and playing with a piece of my hair. “Prom doesn’t really sound appealing to me but if Flynn wants me to go, I probably will. Can’t leave him there by himself, yaknow.”
“Yeah, can’t make your boyfriend go to prom alone.” I tease.
He gives me a look before turning his nose up with attitude.
“Damn right I can’t let my boyfriend go to prom alone!” He states, making me laugh. He then bumps my side, looking back down at me. “What about you? Are you going?”
“Nope.” I answer immediately.
“Why not?”
“Not my scene, either.” I mumble.
“That’s not the main reason.”
I huff. When did he get to know me so well?