Chapter 106
Chapter 106
We decided to leave after another ten minutes, the Spring air smacking us in the face as we exit the doors of the ice cream
“Here.” He clears his throat as he stops walking and hands me his keys. “Go walt in the car, I’m gonna call Winnie real quick.”
I just nod, sending him a reassuring smile as I take the keys and start making my way to the car as he brings his phone to his ear and I know Winnie has already answered his call. She always answers him straight away.
I sit in the car with the window cracked open a little bit to let the stuffy air out of the car, watching as he slowly starts walking
over after a moment.
I hear him laugh faintly, followed by, “it’s a date.”
I can’t help but smile, shaking my head slightly.
Definitely platonic soulmates.
“Bring chicken nuggets and fries and cookies. Pick me up at nine.”
1 had ordered Flynn through the line before he had even gotten the chance to greet me. I knew Octavia was gonna say something to him.
So now here we are, sitting in his car at the lookout, munching on McDonald’s.
After a few moments of munching on fries in silence, he turns his head to look at me before speaking. “You know Adonis would never hurt you, right? He’s nothing like that puto cabrón.”
I let out a dry laugh. Just because I know Adonis would never hurt me, doesn’t mean I can just magically make all my fears disappear. Shit like that doesn’t just go away.”
“I know that, Winnie.” He sighs, shoving a chicken nugget in my mouth. I smack his hand away as he continues. “I’m just saying you can’t be afraid of loving people for the rest of your life.”
“I don’t love him.” Not like that. Not yet.
He gives me the side eye before begrudgingly changing his statement. “You can’t be afraid of relationships for the rest of your
I turn my nose up. “Watch me.”
He groans in exasperation, throwing his head back against the seat. “Winnie!”
“Flynn!” I mimic before sinking down slightly in the passenger’s seat. “I just–I don’t want to get hurt. I don’t care if that’s some stupid line out of some early two–thousands rom–com. It’s true.”
Flynn bites the inside of his cheek before reaching over and pulling me into his side as best he can with the gear shift between us, running his hand through my hair. “You know I’m right, Pooh Bear.”
“I knowww.” I grumble. Tm just scared.”
“I know.” He grumbles back. “You get Adonis a birthday present for tomorrow?”
“Yeah!” 1 exclaim, my mood doing a complete 360. “I had an existential crisis doing it, but I found something I think he’ll like.”
“I swear to God, if you outshine me-
“Of course I’m going to outshine you.” I snort. “You suck at giving gifts.”
“I hate you.”
It’s a nice, sunny Sunday morning and I’m not even fully through his front door before Adonis is yelling at me.
“Winnie and I almost kissed!”
“What?!” I smack my head on the doorframe in my haste to whip around and look at him. “Fuck!”
“Yeah.” He nods with pursed lips before pointing at me with an accusatory glare. “But you fucked it up!”
“Yes, you!” He starts pacing, his arms in the air as I shut the door. “With your, did you and Adonis leave me here by myself?!”
I make a face at the high–pitched tone he uses to mock me. “I do not sound like that-”
“Yes, you do.” Braeden’s voice comes from the kitchen doorway, nearly scaring me to death. He laughs under his breath at me before nodding his head over at Adonis, who’s now rambling to himself. “He’s been freaking out for the last two weeks.”
We both watch him for a while before I remember what he had told me.
“You and Winnie almost fuckin‘ kissed?!”
“Yes, you dumb bitch, we didr
I scoff. “Well, happy eighteenth birthday to you, stupidass.”
He stops in his tracks and looks at me. “Thank you. I love you.”
And he goes right back to pacing,
I look over at Braeden, who’s watching his brother with an amused look while munching on some chips.
“Are you mad because Flynn cockblocked you? Or are you mad because you chickened out afterwards?” He asks through at mouthful of BBQ chips.
I snap my head around to look at him.
“What?!” I snap around to look back at Adonis. “What the fuck happened?!”
Adonis finally stops pacing and looks at me in confusion. “She didn’t tell you?”
“Did she tell me “I cut myself off, pointing at my face. “Does this look like the face of someone who knows anything?”
Braeden throws some more chips in his mouth with a small smirk. “No. You know absolutely nothing.”
Chapter 106
“See.” I then point at him with a scowl when I realise what he meant. “Fuck you.”
“Respect your elders, gringo.”
“Tm only half white, viejo.”
“I will kick your ass, you little shit-
“So, basically.” Adonis starts loudly, effectively cutting off our bickering.