Chapter 5,
Chapter 5
Everyone breaks into their own conversations and I just sit there.
My leg bounces up and down and I constantly tap my finger on the table.
“I have Ritalin in my locker.” Noah whispers to me. “You want some?”
“Please?” I whisper back.
“Come on.” He nods. We get out of the picnic and stand up. “We’ll be right back.”
We start walking away.
“Have fun!” Max yells after us. “But not too much fun!”
“Here.” Noah hands me the bottle and shuts his locker. “You can have them.”
“Are you sure?” I question.
He nods. “Yeah. Don’t need them anymore.”
I pop a pill in my mouth, unscrew the top off the water I was carrying and gulp down the pill, everything immediately slowing down.
“Noah, why do you have Ritalin in your locker anyway?” I ask him after a few seconds.
He tenses slightly. “Uh, my brother had ADHD. I always kept a bottle in my locker just in case.”
“Oh, does he come to this school or…?”
He stiffens, the slightest bit of sadness on his face. “Not anymore.”
Part of me wants to dig for answers, but that could result in him snapping at me, or, well, killing me. He doesn’t know my past and I don’t know his. Plus, it’s none of my business. And I only met him a few days ago.
“Let’s get back to the others before they think we did have too much fun.” I suggest, changing the subject.
He looks grateful at the subject change and gives me the smallest of smiles.
We walk back in silence and as soon as we sit down, Jenny Lingard -Queen Bitch of the school- struts over.
“Hey, Megan.” She smiles.
“Uh, hey?” Megan looks confused.
Obviously. Jenny has never talked to either of us. It’s a miracle she even knows her name.
“You never told me you knew Noah, Max and Dylan.”
That explains things.
“We didn’t up until a few days ago.” I pipe up, rolling my eyes
under my
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” She smiles sweetly, but I can see her eyes narrow slightly at the close proximity between Noah and I.
“I would be cliche and say ‘I never threw it‘,” I start. “But lets be real here. We’ve been in every class together for the last two years, yet you never bothered to learn my name because your head’s so far up your ass.”
Dylan’s mouth drops open slightly, Max lets out a quiet ‘ooohhh‘, Megan giggles behind her hand, and I see Noah smirk a bit from the corner of my eye.
She doesn’t seem to have a comeback so she changes the subject.
“What’s under that hood?” She questions with a sneer.
Chapter 5,
She reaches over to pull it off, but my hands shoots up and grabs her wrist.
“Touch my hood, and I’ll rip of your arm and bitch slap you with it.” I growl.
She pulls her hand away, scowling at me.
“What’s with the hood, anyway? Are you so hideous that you need to hide your face.” Jenny scoffs, smirking at her insult.
Megan opens her mouth, but I glare at her from under my hood, making her shut up.
“She’s hideous?” Noah questions. “Coming from the bitch who cakes her face. Why don’t you eat some of that makeup? Maybe it’ll make you somewhat more decent on the inside.”
Jenny’s mouth drops at the insult.
I would have expected some stupid smirk to be on Noah’s face, but he just sits there, emotionless like always.
Everyone sits in silence.
Until Max breaks it.
“Oooohhhhh! Hot damn! You need some Aloe Vera for that burn?” Max questions.
Jenny’s cheeks burn red.
And not one of those cute little blushes, either. She was full on, tomato faced, fire truck red.
She spins on her heel and quickly struts away just as the bell rings, signalling is that lunch is over. “What do you girls have now?” Dylan question both Megan and I as we all get up from the table.
“Science.” Megan answers.
“Math.” I grumble.
“Aww, is little Nevaeh grumpy because she has math?” Max teases in a baby voice, throwing his arm around my shoulders.
“Get your arm off me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
I walk into my math class, but one look at the letters and numbers on the board makes me turn around and walk right back out.
Seriously, as if math wasn’t complicated enough as it is, they just had to go and add letters.
I mean, face it, Algebra, your ‘x‘ is gone and she’s not coming back. Stop asking me to find her!
I walk through the back doors of the school and lean against the wall.
As shitty as this school is, I can’t deny what a nice view we have back here. And it’s peaceful. No idiots back here sucking faces, or punching each other in the face for fun.
I hear the door open and someone steps out.
“Hey, Carter.” Noah’s deep, British voice floats through the air. “What’s up?”
“Sick of trying to find Algebra’s ‘x‘.” I shrug as he leans on the wall next to me. “Actually, I walked into math than walked right back out.”