Chapter 6
“Huh.” He pops his lips. “I did the same when I got to Science.”
“You’re not going to be one of those cliche bad boys and smoke a cigarette or something, are you?” I question.
I see him look down at me from the corner of my eye and turn around to look up at him, making sure he can’t see more than my lips and nose.
“Carter, I have a younger brother at home I need to set a good example for.” His voice suddenly softened, becoming filled with true emotion… ”I’m sure you’ve heard by now that I went to juvie. I’m not proud of that. I don’t want him to grow up and be like me. I want him to be successful and have a good life.”
I am seeing a completely different side to the usually emotionless bad boy.
He looks broken.
I totally understand his feeling. My sisters were my world. Losing them was like losing a part of me. So believe me, I know what being broken feels like.
I unconsciously reach up, grabbing my necklace through my hoodie.
“Tell me about him.” I pipe up after a few seconds.
“What?” Noah looks at me.
“Tell me about your brother.” I repeat.
“Well, his name’s Danny, he was still in primary school, and he looked very similar to me.”
“Sounds like a future hot guy.” I joked.
“He would be better.” Noah‘ voice was full of proud, “He is the best in the class, and everyone likes him…”
Noah and I stand there, leaning against the back wall of the school for god knows how long as he tells me about his brother. After a long hiatus, I once again felt the warmth of familial love, even not my family.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.
“Later, Carter.” He mumbles as he turns around to walk away.
“I want to meet your brother.” I say out of nowhere making him stop in his steps.
“Wow, Carter, haven’t even asked me on a first date yet and you already want to meet the family.” I can hear the humour in his voice but I can tell you he isn’t showing it on his face,
I shrug, “Eh,”
He starts walking away but stops, looking at me over his shoulder. “You coming?
“How old is your brother?” I question as we wait at the front of the local elementary school.
“Nine.” Noah answers simply.
“I swear if he’s a mini you, then god help this world.” I mumble making Noah look at me with an eyebrow raised.
“Noah!” A voice shouts before a small body attaches itself to Noah’s leg.
“Hey, buddy.” Noah smiles softly, ruffling the mess of copper hair that matches his.
The little boy lets go of Noah and looks up at me.
“Carter, this is my brother Daniel, or Danny for short. Danny, this is my friend Nevaeh, or as I like to call her, Carter.” Noah introduces.
I pull my hood down a bit and make sure he can’t see more than my nose and mouth.
Chapter 6,
I wear my hood for two reasons. One, Heaven and I were identical and I can’t exactly stand to look at myself, like I said before, and two, I want pergje to like me for me. Not for my looks. It’s happened before.
Danny studies me for a few seconds before he grins widely at me, making a dimple on his right cheek pop.
He motions for me to bend down so I crouch down to his height.
He grabs my face in his small hands. “You’re beautiful.”
A smile slowly makes its way onto my face.
An actual genuine smile. Something that hasn’t been on my face in years,
“You haven’t seen my face though, shortie.” I state.
“Beauty isn’t in the face. Beauty is a light in the heart.” He grabs my hand. “And nothing is more beautiful than a real smile that has struggled through
I stare at him, shocked.
I then look at Noah who is staring at his brother with an equally shocked look but it soon morphed into a proud smile.
He has no idea how right he is about the ‘struggled through tears‘ bit.
I stand up, still holding Danny’s hand.
“Are you sure this kid is nine?” I question Noah who chuckles and nods.
He chuckled! What the f–
“Are you coming to our house with us, Nevaeh?” Danny looks up at me with puppy eyes.
I shrug. “If it’s okay with your brother, then I guess.”
Danny look at Noah. “Please, Noah! Don’t make me give you the puppy face.”
Noah chuckles. “Sure, Danny. Let’s go.”
We walk up a driveway and my eyes focus on a small homey house.
“It’s not much, but it’s home, so…” Noah shrugs.
“No, I like it. It looks cozy.” And my house isn’t any bigger.
“Come on, Nevaeh!” Danny pulls me towards the front door by my hand.
This kid is adorable. He hasn’t let go of my hand since we picked him up from school.
He goes to put his hand on the door handle but stops and turns around.
“Did you forget you need a key to get in?” Noah holds up a house key.
“Pfft, no.” Danny looks around making me laugh.
Noah unlocks the door and pushes it open. Danny drags me in behind him.
“Vaeh, do you like Disney movies?” Danny asked.
In the distant memory, my little sister too had posed this question to me.
“Vaeh, do you like Disney movies?”
“Yeah, shortie, I love Disney movies.” I smiled down at my baby sister. “My favourite’s Tangled.”
“Flynn Rider is bae!”
Chapter 6,
I raised an eyebrow at Lucy. “What did you just wipers uit de buen venu ich wiping turut