Chapter 7
“Uhm, nothing..?” She giggled sheepishly, making me laugh.
“–Vaeh? Nevaeh?”
I snap out of my thoughts and look at Danny. “Huh?”
“You alright, Carter?”
I look at Noah who’s standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Be glad you snapped out of whatever you were in because Danny was about to slap you in the face.”
I look down at Danny who smiles sheepishly and looks away, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“What do you want to eat?” Noah asks me.
“Do you have–”
“Eggos?” He cuts me off. “Yeah. Max is here all the time and he throws a tantrum if we don’t have any.”
“Sounds like Max.”
“Vaeh, want to watch a Disney movie?” Danny asks me hopefully.
“Sure, kid.” I smile. “You pick. I’m going to go talk to your brother.”
Danny runs over to the T.V cabinet and starts looking through all of the DVDs in it while I walk into the kitchen.
“Want to tell me what that was all about?” Noah questions without even turning around.
“What was what all about?”
“That little ‘Imma zone out of the world for a little bit because people are stupid‘ trance you went into.”
“Oh.” I mumble. “Not really.”
“You sure?” He asks. “I’m here if you need someone to listen…even though I don’t want to listen to you rant your little heart out and would probably end up zoning out halfway through…but still. I’m here if you need someone to listen.”
My lips quirk up in amusement.
“Look, I’ve made the decision to trust you–”
“A horrible decision, really.” Noah cuts me off.
I roll my eyes. “But I’m not telling you my life story.”
“I didn’t ask you to tell me your life story.” He says just as two more Eggos pop out of the toaster. “I just said I’m here if you need someone to listen to you rant about some shit that’s happened in your life.”
“In my life.” I mutter below a whisper, hoping he doesn’t hear. “Yeah, life.”
He puts the waffles on the plate and hands it to me.
“Here. Take this to the living room. Coke or Sprite?”
“Coke.” I call over my shoulder as I walk into the living room, setting the stack of Eggos down on the coffee table before walking over and getting
comfortable in the recliner.
Chapter 7,
Noah walks in with two cups of Coke and one cup of Sprite, putting them on the coffee table.
“What’re we watching, Danny?” He questions as he sits on the couch next to his brother.
“Danny, you are my new favourite person in the world.” I say with fervent adoration.
Just as the movie finishes, the front door opens and a beautiful petite lady with copper hair and pale skin walks in.
“Oh, I didn’t know we were having company.” She smiles warmly at me.
“Mom, this is-” Noah starts but I cut him off.
“Boy, I have a mouth. I can introduce myself.” I say before turning to Noah and Danny’s mother. “Kia Ora. My name’s Nevaeh.”
She grins widely at me. “You’re Maori?”
“And proud.”
I’m a bit surprised she could tell because most people haven’t even heard of New Zealand, let alone the Maori culture.
But at the same time, she is British, and they’re kinda the reason New Zealand actually has cities rather than just being one big bush.
I’m also glad she didn’t ask about my hoodie. The last person that did was Max and I wanted to punch him in the face.
“Would you like to stay for dinner, sweetheart?” She questions, giving me a warm motherly smile.
I open my mouth to deny but Danny jumps in.
“Please, Vaeh!” He runs up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and staring up at me while giving me the puppy face.
“Uhh, if that’s alright with you, Mrs. King?”
“Of course it is.” She smiles wider. “And please, call me Tanya.
“YAY!” Danny cheers, letting go of me.
Tanya laughs. “Danny, do you want to help me make dinner?”
“Yeah!” He yells, running into the kitchen.
“Noah, why don’t you show Nevaeh around the house?” She turns to her eldest son.
“Hmm, no thanks.” Noah turns away from his mother and to the T.V.
“It wasn’t a question.” She snatches the remote from him and switches off the T.V. “Now get off your lazy arse.”
I chuckle under my breath as Noah groans, getting up and trudging over to me.
“Come on, Carter. I’m going to give you a tour of my humble abode.” He drones sarcastically.
“Wow, don’t sound too excited.” I roll my eyes.
“–and last stop, my room.” He opens a door and walks in, plopping down on his bed. I follow him and stand in the middle of the room like the weirdo I
- am.
Surprisingly, it’s not messy at all.
There’s two shelves on the wall. One has photos on it and the others one has books on it.
His bed is in the corner of the room with a bedside table next to it, which has a photo and two books on it, and a guitar at the foot of the bed. And there’s also a door leading to the balcony across from the door which leads back into the hallway.
Not a typical boy’s room. This is the I don’t know how many times today I’ve changed my mind about Noah.
Chapter 8,