SHADOW Novel 31

SHADOW Novel 31

Chapter 24 

Chapter 24 

Hey, Dildo, you alright?” 

He jumps slightly, turning to me. Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” 

I raise an eyebrow. You don’t seem fine.” 

He bites his lip before giving me a small smile. I’m fine, Nevaeh. Don’t worry about me.” 

He gives me another smile before walking off

He is not fine. When is anyone actually fine when they say I’m fine

I purse my lips before making my way to class

Do I really want to go to maths


I immediately change directions and head to the football field

As I’m making my way to the bleachers, a familiar redhead runs out from behind the bleachers and rushes past me with red cheeks and a large grin on his face

Should I go back there

I shrug and make my way behind the bleachers

Dylan is leaning against one of the poles, his cheeks slightly red and a goofy smile on his face

Oh my- 


His head shoots to me, his eyes widening

Holy shiNevaeh!” 

You andJoey. Joey and you!It all makes sense. Dylan, are you-” 

I’m not gay!He blurts out

I raise an eyebrow. You didn’t let me finish my sentence. How did you know if I was going to say that or not?” 

He bows his head. Um, I” 

I nod. Talk to me, Dildo.” 

He looks up at me. So, I’m gay. Which you already guessed.” 

Do Noah and Max know?I question, getting my answer when Dylan hangs his head again. Why not?” 

What if they don’t accept me? What if they hate me?Dylan looks up at me, his eyes getting glassy

Dylan, you listen to me.I start. They’re your best friends. They will accept you. They will never hate you. They love you. No one’s going to judge you for being gay. It’s 2018 for crying out loud.” 

He smiles and surprises me by throwing his arms around me in a hug. Thanks, Vaeh.” 

I smile, hugging him back. All good.” 

I pull away and walk to the lowest part of the bleachers, sitting down and leaning against it


The Heiress’s Shadow 


Chapter 24 

Dylan raises an eyebrow questionably

I pat the spot next to me and he walks over, sitting down

Since you just came out of the closet to me-” 

Actually, I fell out of the closet.He corrects. On my face.” 

I chuckle. Since you just fell out of the closet on your face, I think I should share something with you.” 

So that’s why you wear your hood?Dylan starts, a frown on his face. Because you and Heaven were identical twins and now you can’t stand to look at yourself?” 

I sigh, nodding. Pretty much.” 

Dylan narrows his eyes at me. No.” 

No?I repeat

It’s more than that, isn’t it?Dylan starts


Nevaeh, the world isn’t made of mirrors. It’s not like you’re going to see your reflection every step you take. What’s the real reason you wear the 

hood?He stares me down

I-I sigh. My mum. She doesn’t like to think about my sisters. Every time she saw my face she would start yelling and crying. Sometimes she would even think I was Heaven, then when she realised it was me, she would say things that no parent should ever say to their child.” 

You’re insecure.Dylan says in realisation

I’m not-” 

You are. You think that if anyone sees your face, they’re going to be reminded of your sister, and compare you to her. You think she was better than 


I open and close my mouth

He’s right

Nevaeh, your sister sounds like a great person, but she’s not better than you. You’re both amazing in your own ways, and if other people can’t see that, they’re fucking stupid.Dylan tells me

I smile slightly. Thanks, Dylan.” 

Can Iuh, can I seeHe trails off nervously, rubbing the back of his neck


I take a deep breath before bringing my hands up to my hood and pulling it off

Dylan jaw drops. Woah. Nevaeh, you’re beautiful. If I was straight, I’d totally date you.” 

I burst out laughing. Thanks.” 

Oh my gosh, you have dimples!He exclaims before calming down. Does anyone else know what you look like?” 

Yeah.I answer. Megan and Noah.” 

Okay, Megan, I understand, but Noah?He raises a brow

It was an accident.” 


Long story.I state simply and he nods

91 ’70

Chapter 24 


Hmm?I look at him

If you ever need anything, I’m here.He says genuinely

Thank you.For everything

I smile at him and he smiles back

I tap my fingers on the table of Pizza Palace as Megan and I sit in silence

How am I going to tell her

Nev?Megan snaps me out of my thoughts

Huh?I look up from the table and find a small frown etched on her face as she stares at me with furrowed brows

What’s wrong?She questions. You’ve been off the whole day today.” 

I-I stop and look around. Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere more private?” 

She nods

We get up and walk out of Pizza Palace

We go to an abandoned playground we found a couple years back when I first moved here



Status: Ongoing


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