Chapter 37
Everyone laughs and Max rubs his shoulder.
We order our food and drinks as we start to catch up.
We’re all having seperate conversations. Megan, Dylan, Max and I are talking, while Noah and Hazel are whispering to each other and grinning, occasionally laughing. Noah has his arm around Hazel’s shoulders and her arm is wrapped around his waist.
“He’s not as happy as he looks, you know.” Max leans over and whispers in my ear.
I shrug and whisper back. “No, I don’t know.”
He stares at me for a second before bringing his hand up and flicking me in the forehead, making Megan and Dylan start laughing.
“Ow–Max!” I cup my forehead. “I’m not talking to you.”
He tries to stifle his loud laughs but fails miserably. “Aw, come on, Vach
“Nah, piss off.” I turn my head away from him before he wraps his arms around me and hugs me to his chest.
“I’m sorryyyy!” He drags out, still hugging me tightly, making me start laughing.
“Get off, asshat.” I laugh loudly, trying to push him away and failing.
He doesn’t let go, but instead grabs a handful of fries off his basket and shoves then in my mouth.
I laugh even more, almost choking.
I see Noah staring at us from the corner of my eye, a small frown on his lips before Hazel grabs his face and kisses
Wow, must be nice. But does Hazel kiss you like I did, Noah?
{ And I, yeah. I never prepared for a moment like that
Yeah, in a second it all came back, it all came back
‘Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick “Hello,” and you had to go
And you probably will never know
You’re still the one I’m after all these years, oh
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 37”
‘Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near (you are near)
And it was just a quick “Hello,” and you had to go (ooh)
And you probably will never know (oh)
You’re still the one I’m after all these years)
“Pebble, you didn’t have to walk me back to my dorm.” I sigh as we make it to the door of my dorm room.
“I didn’t want you walking back by yourself.” He shrugs, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
After lunch, Dylan and Hazel both had lectures, and Megan and Max had decided to go catch a movie, which left
Noah and I.
I smile slightly before chuckling slightly.
“What?” He looks at me with a raised brow.
“Remember all those times you nearly strangled me to death for walking alone at night?” I chuckle even more.
He cracks a smile. “I didn’t want you to end up getting abducted and taken to a circus to be a dancing clown.”
I grin. “You and I both know I would be the prettiest damn clown in that circus.”
He laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners slightly. “That, you would, Carter. That, you would.”
(I never told you, I should’ve told you
I never told you after all these years)
I smile as he laughs carelessly.
I should’ve told him I loved him before I left. I should’ve told him.
(Told you, I never told you (told you)
Told you, I never told you
I never told you after all these years }
“So you’re still in love with Noah?” Max questions rhetorically as we walk along campus.
I nod, pursing my lips. “Unfortunately.”
“I knew it!” He fist bumps the air.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 37
I roll my eyes, chuckling. “And you like Megan.
“Yes! God, yes!” He bursts as he stops walking, grabs my shoulders and shakes me. “Help me!”
I slap his hands off me. “Okay, I have an idea.”
He stares at me hopefully. “What is it?!”
I lean closer to him and start whispering. “Stop being a pussy and tell her.”
“That is the worst advice ever!” He stares at me blankly. “And that’s rich, coming from you”
“Hey, you know I can’t tell him!” I exclaim defensively.
He sighs, rubbing his face in exasperation. “I know. I’m sorry. I love you. I didn’t mean that.”
“I love you, too.” I smile. “Ice cream?”
He perks up, grinning widely. “Hell yeah!”
“One scoop of cookies and cream in a waffle cone for m’lady.” Max hands me my Ice cream and sits down across from me in the booth. “And one scoop of mint chocolate chip in a chocolate waffle cone for me.”
I smile, taking the ice cream from him. “Thanks.”
He frowns, licking his ice cream. “I hate you.”
1 raise an eyebrow. “Why?”
“You bumped me off with your ugly little butt and paid for both our ice creams.” He pouts. “I was going to pay!”
“Okay, one, I have a very cute butt, thank you very much,” I argue and he coughs in disagreement dramatically.
“And two, you got a free ice cream, so stop complaining
“Huh, you’re right, I did get a free ice cream.” He mutters before perking up. “Thanks, Vaeh!”
I roll my eyes, chuckling as I lick my ice cream.
p to our booth.
“Hey, guys!” The annoying, high–pitches voice of Noah’s dumb ass girlfriend squeaks she she bounds up clutching Noah’s arm.