Chapter 39
I turn around and start to walk away.
“Noah! NOAH! You get back here right now!” She screams from behind me. “How am I supposed to get back to campus?!”
“God gave you legs for a reason!” I call over my shoulder without turning around. “Use them!”
I smirk slightly as I hear her let out a high–pitched screech and stomp her foot again.
“Fuck you, Noah!”
“No, thanks!” My smirk widens. “I wouldn’t want to catch an STD!”
I chuckle at the gasp she lets out before I get into my car and drive away.
I’m still in love with Nevaeh–bloody- Carter.
“Dude, why is Hazel outside our dorm room, yelling, and I quote, ‘Noah, you dumbass prick! Go suck a dick, you piece of chicken shit!“?” Dylan questions as I walk out of the bathroom after my shower, my towel around my hips.
“I broke up with her.” I shrug, walking into my room and closing the door so I can put some clothes on.
“HALLELUJAH!” Max’s muffled voice comes through the door.
I chuckle, shaking my head.
I quickly throw on my underwear and throw on a pair of plain grey sweatpants and walk out into the kitchen, not bothering to put a shirt on, seeing as I was going to bed soon.
I go and take a seat at the island.
We have pretty nice dorm rooms here. They’re pretty much mini apartments. You have two or three bedrooms, depending on how many people are in your dorm, a small living room, a small kitchen with an island, and a
“Took you long enough.” Dylan states, opening the mini fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
“It only took me like two seconds to get dressed and get out here.” I furrow my eyebrows.
“No, you idiot.” He rolls his eyes. “It took you long enough to dump Hazel.”
“You know, I’m honestly kind of regretting dragging Nevaeh out.” Max admits, taking a seat next to me.
“Why’s that?” I question as Dylan braces his elbows on the countertop and leans forward on the island, across from
Chapter 39
“I wanted to see her beat Hazel’s ass.” He shrugs.
Dylan purses his lips before nodding. “I kind of want to see that, too.”
“Don’t worry. It’s not going to be the last time Hazel pisses off Carter, so you’re probably going to a
front row tickets to ‘Carter versus Hazel‘ sooner or later.” I chuckle, before getting up and stretching. “Anyway, I’m off to bed.”
“Please be sooner.” Max mumbles as he get up and starts walking to his room. “Please be sooner.”
Dylan and I both laugh as we head to our rooms and I flip the switches for the kitchen and living room lights, turning them off.
“Night, assholes.” Max yawns.
“Night, idiot.” Dylan and I say in unison, rolling our eyes before we all shut our doors.
Noah, wake up.
What is it?
Go to Nevaeh’s dorm.
You gotta.
It’s three–thirty five in the morning.
You gotta tell her you dumped Hazel’s sorry ass.
Dammit, Pablo. Shut up and go to sleep.
I wake up to loud knocks on the door of our dorm.
“Who the fuck?” I mumble, getting out of my bed and walking out of my room. I flip the living room light on before I crack open Megan’s door and see her sound asleep.
I close her door quietly and make my way to the dorm door, swinging it open, not bothering to check who it is through the peephole.
“What the hell, Noah?” I rub my eyes tiredly as a nervous–looking Noah stands in front of me in a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white t–shirt.
“I broke up with Hazel.” He blurts out.
I instantly remove my hands from my eyes and look at him. “What?”
“I broke up with Hazel.” He repeats, biting his lip nervously.
21:49 C
Chapter 39
Why is he nervous? Since when does Noah King get nervous?
I roll my eyes. “I heard you the first time, dumbass.”
“Then why’d you say is that my shirt?” He cuts himself off, looking down at the large t–shirt that says “EASTVIEW VARSITY FOOTBALL‘ with a logo of a tiger in front of a football on the front, and ‘N.KING‘ on the back. “I turned my house upside–fucking–down looking for that shirt when I was packing for college.”
I feel my cheeks get warm as I bite the inside of my cheek. “I may or may not have taken it from your room when I said goodbye to your mum and Danny.”
He stares at me for a second before shaking his head and chuckling. “Only you, Carter. Only you.”
I smile slightly before going back to the reason he’s at my dorm at three in the damn morning. “Pebble, why the actual fuck did you come to my dorm at three, almost four, in the damn morning?”
He stops laughing and immediately gets nervous again. “To tell you I broke up with Hazel.”
I blow air out of my nose. “Why couldn’t your wait until until later? You know, when I’m actually awake and functioning.”
He steps inside, closing the door.
“Well, I-” he cuts himself off, looking away for a second then looking back at me before muttering a quiet “please don’t punch me again“.
Chapter 40
Chapter 40