Chapter 41
Chapter 41
“Don’t even think about it.” Megan cuts in just as the waitress appears with our food. We thank her before she walks
We quickly dig in, not bothering to make any conversation because of how hungry we were.
“So,” Max starts when we finish our food. “Since it’s spring break for the next two weeks, I was thinking we could go camping for a few days.”
“No.” Noah, Dylan, Megan and I all immediately decline in unison.
“Please!” Max begs.
Max pouts. “Come on, guys! It’s just a few days. Nevaeh’s back and I’m dying to do something all together like we used to.”
We all share a couple of looks before slowly muttering hesitant agreements.
“Great.” Max claps his hands excitedly. “I know this campsite about two hours away from here. We’ll go tomorrow.”
I groan and slam my forehead against my pillow as someone repeatedly bangs on the dorm door.
Hook at my clock, the red glowing numbers nearly blinding me.
5:23 AM
“I’m actually going to shank someone.” I get out of my bed and start walking to my room door, tripping on a random. shoe and nearly face planting. “Bitchass!”
I trudge out to the living room and swing the dorm door open.
“Fuck you. motherfucker.” I seethe at Max who is standing there with a bright smile on his face, a tired Dylan and a half–asleep Noah behind him.
“I hate you, Max. I really do.” Megan walks out of her room, yawning, nearly walking into the coffee table. “Shiz
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Megan asks for the fifth time in the last three minutes as we trudge through Constantine Forest. A friend of Max had dropped us off about twenty minutes ago and now we’re walking up some trail that leads to the campsite.
“Relax, Meg.” Max throws an arms around her shoulder. “I don’t know why you’re so worried.”
“I’m worried because it’s not like any of us are master outdoorsman.” Megan states before looking between the boys. “Do you any of you even know how to use a map? Because Nevaeh and I don’t.”
“Of course we know how to use a map.” Dylan yawns, leaning on me as we continue walking.
“It’s literally just Constantine Forest.” Noah says, giving Megan a skeptical look. “What could possibly go wrong?”
“You idiot!” I yell, causing Noah to give me a look of bewilderment. “Why’d you go and say that?! Now something’s
definitely going to go wrong!”
Noah rolls his eyes. “We have tents, food, water, water purifiers, a flint, a map, a compass, and literally every other damn thing on the stupid list Megan made. We’ll be fine.”
“We’ll be fine.” I mimic in a deep voice, laughing dryly. “You won’t be saying that when we end up getting lost, chased by a bear, and falling off a cliff.”
“Max, we’ve been walking forever!” Megan groans as we all trudge along.
“Are we there yet?” 1 whine, my feet thumping against the packed dirt.
“We have not been walking forever.” Max rolls his eyes. “It’s only been like forty minutes and someone stopped back at the lake to take pictures.”
“Hey, that lighting made me look great.” Dylan interjects, defending himself.
“You made me take like two hundred pictures of your dumb ass.” Noah grumbles, throwing an arm over my shoulder lazily.
“I looked amazing.” Dylan argues.
“You looked like a fool.” I roll my eyes.
“Guys, seriously,” Megan cuts in. “How far are we from the campsite?”
“I don’t know.” Max shrugs before pulling out the map. He carefully unfolds it and places it on the ground.
“So, where are we?” Noah questions as we all crouch down, crowding around the map.
“I don’t know.” Max purses his lips. “Let’s look for the trail and go from there.”
“Okay.” I nod as we all look down at the map, trying to find the trailhead. “Max, where’s the trail?”
“I was hoping one of you found it.” Max murmurs, making everyone else shake their heads.
“Well, we’re fucked.” Noah mumbles.
“At least try to sound more positive.” Max gives him a pointed look
“Oh, sorry.” Noah clears his throat. He puts on a large, fake grin before talking in a more cheerful voice. “Well, we’re
Megan stifles a laugh, Dylan hides his laugh behind a cough and I chuckle.
Chapter #1
Max rolls his eyes. “Not helping.”
“Neither is this map.” Noah shoots back.
“Look, maybe we can find the lake we stopped at.” Dylan suggests.
“Mate, there are like a hundred lakes on this map.” Noah tells him.
“Okay, fuck the lake, and fuck the map, too.” I stand up, folding up the map and shoving it in Max’s pack. “We’ve been on one the trail this whole time and it’s been pretty well marked. We’ll just keep hiking and we’ll come across a good campsite eventually, right?”
Everyone else stands up.
“So we just keep walking?” Megan double checks.
“Exactly. We just keep walking.” I nod. “Fuck the map. And fuck you, too, Max.”
“What?!” He stares at me, a hand on his heart. “Why?!”
“You forced us to come on this damn camping trip and now we’re lost. Now some weird satanic, cannibalistic tribe that lives in a cave is going to find us and eat us alive!”