Chapter 46
I grin. “Fuck yeah. But it sucked because I haven’t had them since before I left and we don’t have Eggos in New
“What else do I need to know about New Zealand?”
“There are more sheep than people.” I reply almost instantly.
“Really?” He looks at me with a skeptical look.
I nod. “Deadass.”
He pops his lips just as we make it to my dorm. “Wow.”
“I know.” I grab my key from my backpack and unlock the door. “Thanks for walking me.”
He gives me a small smile. “I never let you walk home by yourself two years ago, I’m not going to start now.”
I smile back at him before leaning up and kissing his cheek. “Thanks, Pebble. For everything.”
I open my door and walk in.
“Anytime, Carter.” I hear him say softly before I shut the door.
“When’re you going to tell her?” Dylan questions as soon as I walk out of my room, showered and dressed.
“Tell who, what?” I ask as I open the fridge, grabbing a can of Coke.
He rolls his eyes as I crack open the can and take a gulp. “When’re you going to tell Nevaeh you’re in love with her?”
I choke on the Coke, making Dylan sigh and walk over, patting my back until I stopped coughing.
“I’m no-”
“Don’t lie to me, Noah.” He scoffs. “I also know you kissed.”
Damnnn. busted!
Shut up, Pablo.
“Wha–how?” I stutter out, putting the can of Coke on the island.
“The next morning, you had the same goofy smile on your face as you did the first time you kissed.” He explains. “Which I don’t know why you were smiling like that the first time, seeing as our little bombshell punched you in the
Gress’s Shadow
Chapter 46
I shrug. “I don’t know either, seeing as she friendzoned me a couple hours later.”
“At least she wasn’t the idiot that dated Hazel.” Dylan smirks.
I groan. “We never speak of that. It was a dark time in my life.”
Dylan laughs, patting my shoulder. “It was a dark time in all of our lives.”
Just then, Max runs in.
“She said yes! SHE SAID YES!” He does a happy dance before tripping over the coffee table leg and face planting on the floor making Dylan and I laugh loudly. “She’s my girlfriend now!”
“And it only took eight years.” I retort sarcastically, making Dylan laugh more.
“Shut up, fucktard!” He hops back up quickly and runs to the bathroom. “She’s coming over in twenty minutes!”
I look at the time.
8:40 PM.
Well, we have to be out of here by nine.
As promised, Megan came over twenty minutes later.
As soon as Max opened the door, she kissed him and now they’re making out.
“Well, that’s our cue.” I get up from my seat at the island.
“I’m going to Joey’s dorm for the night.” Dylan announces as I walk over and grab an unopened box of Eggos out of the fridge. “What’re you doing with those?”
“Giving them to Carter.” I state simply. “She hasn’t had them since she was last here.”
Dylan smirks. “Try to tell me again that you’re not in love with her.”
I shake my head and flip him off, making him laugh, before we walk to the door and leave Max and Megan to whatever the hell they were planning to do.
They better not do whatever the hell they’re planning to do, on the couch, though.
“If they do it on the couch, I’m burning it.” I announce as Dylan and I walk down towards the elevator.
Dylan shakes his head. “If they do it on the couch, I’m burning the whole living room and moving out.”
I groan when there’s a knock on my door.
I pause The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix and get up off the couch, trudging to the door and opening it.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 46
I’m greeted by Noah who hands me a box of Eggos. I immediately jump on him, hugging him tightly.
“So what’re you doing here?” I question as he let’s go of me and steps inside, shutting the door behind him and following me to the kitchen. He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off. “Megan’s at your dorm, isn’t she?”
“Yes, and I don’t want to be there when the moaning begins.” He says, making me laugh.
I put the Eggos in the fridge and turn around to face Noah as I lean back on the island. “Yeah, they’re were originally going to come here, but I told them to get their horny selves and get the fuck out.”
He laughs slightly before walking over and standing in front of me. “I really missed you, Carter. I missed you annoying me all the time.”
I smile. “I missed you, too, Pebble.”
e stare at each other for a moment.
His eyes flicker down as I bite my lip.
Should I?
I want to.
But should I?
Oh, fuck it.
I step forward and press my lips to Noah’s, wrapping my arms around his neck.
His hands immediately go to my waist as he lifts me up and places me on the island before stepping forward to stand between my legs.