SHADOW Novel 54

SHADOW Novel 54

Chapter 47 

We stay like that for a few minutes before I tug on his shirt. He pulls away and lets me lift it over his head before connecting our lips again

He pulls away slightly, breathing heavily. His lips red and swollen. Are you sure?” 

His eyes search mine as I bite my lip and nod

He quickly connects our lips again but I pull away

Not on the island. We eat food here.” 

He rolls his eyes. Only you, Carter. Only you.” 

My reply is cut off when Noah lifts me off the island and carries me to my room

Have mercy


I lay in bed with the covers pulled over my chest as I stare up at the ceiling

What have I done

My phone starts ringing from its spot on my bedside table

Shut your phone up before I throw it in the toilet.” Noah’s voice grumbles from beside me as he rolls onto his side, facing away from me

What the hell have I done

I bite my lip and get up, ignoring the pain between my legs

I grab Noah’s shirt from the floor and throw it on before getting my phone and quickly walking out into the living room, shutting my bedroom door as I answer it

Megan?I speak

Nevach! Oh my gosh! I had the best night!She rambles through the line. Max h-” 

I don’t want to know how big Max’s dick is.I cut her off. She doesn’t say anything for a moment and I pull a face. You were actually going to tell me how big Max’s dick is. What the fuck is wrong with you?!” 

Everything!She yells defensively. Everything is wrong with me! You should know that because everything is wrong with you, too!” 

I chuckle slightly. That’s why we’re best friends, right?” 


The Heizes’s Shadow 


Chapter 47 

I hear her giggle. Yeah. That’s why we’re best friends.” 

I smile before sighing. Speaking of, I could really use some advice. And by advice, I mean I need my best friend to come back to our dorm and high five me. In the face. With a chair.” 

What did you do?” 

I roll my eyes. Just get your ass over here in fifteen minutes.” 

I hang up the phone and sigh, running a hand through my messy hair

The messy hair Noah was pulling last nig- 


I tug at my hair in frustration as I fall back on the couch

I shouldn’t have slept with Noah. I shouldn’t have kissed him. I should’ve just told that I don’t like him anymore.

don’t have too long left

I groan slightly as my head pounds

I need a nap

I’ve been feeling weaker and tired all the time. That camping trip probably wasn’t the best idea but I couldn’t let them know

Being tired all the time, I’m also starting to sleep a lot. Sometimes when I wake up, I’m not even fully there. The few times Megan’s waken me up, I was semiconscious. Of course she was worried, but I just told her it was a side effect of the cancer. I didn’t tell her it means it’s coming closer to the end

Anyway, what do I tell Noah

I can’t be with him. I can’t tell him I like him

I need to let him down easy

Carter?Noah walks into the living room in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts

You have a small dick.I blurt out, mentally facepalming myself as soon as I say it

What the hell are you doing?! 

Letting him down easy

Letting him down easy?! Bro, that was a kick to his ego, the fuck

He raises an eyebrow. You and I both know that’s not true.” 

It’s not true at all


Chapter 47 

I shrug. That’s what you think.” 

He sits down next to me. It’s not what I think. It’s what I know.” 

I raise an eyebrow, turning to him. How would you know that?” 

A shiteating grin makes its way onto his face. Because of the way you were screaming my name and telling me not 

to stop.” 

That’s true

I shake my head. I could’ve been faking.” 

He raises a challenging eyebrow. So you’re telling me you’re not sore right now?” 

I’m very sore right now

I roll my eyes, giving him his answer, making him smirk widely

I better not have an STD now.I mumble, leaning back against the couch and shutting my eyes

Don’t worry, I never slept with Hazel.” 

I open my eyes and stare at him from the corner of my eye. You didn’t?” 

No, what the hell do you take me for?He questions, slightly offended

A dumbass.I answer, shutting my eyes again

Well you’re not the smartest person in the world.He scoffs. Quite dumb, if you ask me.” 

I open my eyes and turn to him. No one asked you.” 

He chuckles slightly. I decided to state my opinion anyway.” 

I shake my head in amusement. And why am I dumb, Pebble?” 

A small smirk makes its way onto his face. Because you said I have a small dick.” 

I don’t know why, but that makes me laugh loudly




Status: Ongoing


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