Chapter 53
“Yeah, whatever.” I shrug. “Want to ditch and go get ice cream?”
“Hell yeah.”
My eyes flutter open and all I see is white.
“Am I dead?” I croak out.
“No, you arse.” I hear Noah’s deep British accent come from my right side. “You’re in the hospital.”
He helps me sit up before grabbing a cup of water and handing it to me.
“I’m not thirsty.”
“Nevaeh Carter, I swear to god, if you don’t drink that damn water I’m going to pour it down your
throat.” He threatens.
I pout at him before drinking half the cup and handing the rest back to him. He sets it on the table
next to him before engulfing me in a tight hug.
“What happened?” I question. “Did Spider–Man come back to life?”
“Carter, you fainted.” He whispers. “I was fucking terrified.”
“How long have I been out?” I ask as he pulls away from me.
“Two days.” He answers. “Your aunt flew in yesterday.”
The door cracks open and I see Aunty Mila and Mrs King poking their heads in. Once they see I’m awake, they open the door fully.
“Aroha.” Aunty Mila sighs in relief as she rushes over and kisses me on the forehead, wrapping me
in a tight hug.
“Nevaeh, sweetheart, I’m glad you’re awake.” Mrs King kisses my head before turning to Noah. “Noah, honey, why don’t you come out here with me and let Nevaeh spend some time with her aunt.”
Noah nods before pecking my lips, then kissing me on the forehead and following his mum out.
“He hasn’t left your side in the last two days.” Aunty Mila admits, making me look at her. “He’s been
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 53
here, holding your hand the entire time you were out.”
I smile softly before searching Aunty Mila’s eyes, my eyebrows furrowing before I bite my lip in understanding. “Not long?”
“Not long.” She sighs, shaking her head as her eyes get glassy. “The doctor said you don’t have more
than a week.”
I look down. “Uh, I’m going to take a nap.”
She looks at me sadly before kissing my forehead and sitting in the chair to my left. “I’ll be right
Mum and I walk out of Nevaeh’s hospital room and I see Megan, Max, Dylan and Danny sitting there, waiting to be able to see her.
“Kids, come here.” She motions for Megan, Max, Dylan and Danny. They stand up and walk over.
“Mum?” I start slowly, making her turn around, her eyes glassy.
“Noah. Nevaeh, she–she,” she cuts herself off, taking a deep breath. “The doctor said she doesn’t have
more than a week.”
“W–What?” Megan stutters, making Max wrap her in a hug.
Dylan looks down and Danny sniffles. Dylan crouches down and hugs him tightly.
“Noah…?” Mum starts carefully.
“She–She can’t-” I bite my lip. “She can’t leave me. She can’t leave me.”
Mum wraps me in a tight hug, not letting go.
She, Megan, Max, Dylan and Danny are all crying.
I’m not. I can’t cry. I just can’t.
“How do we keep getting into these situations?” Fifteen year–old Heaven whispers, her face scrunched
up as we peak out of the window of the small storage cupboard in our science class.
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“Fifteen years of being alive and I still don’t know.” I whisper back as we see our science teacher making out with our history teacher on his desk.
“This is disgusting.” Heaven groans quietly.
“Then why are we still watching?” I question.
“To see when the hell we can get out of here.”
“Why don’t we just go out that window?” I point up to the small window of the storage closet which is providing us with light.
“You couldn’t you have pointed that out ten minutes ago?” She glares at me.
I shrug. “You’re the smart one, I thought you knew.”
“Obviously not.” She huffs. “Let’s go.”
We start making our way to the window but I trip over something and grab onto Heaven, sending us
both crashing into a pile of boxes, creating a loud noise.
“What was that?” We hear our history teacher ask.
A few seconds later, the door is pulled open and our disheveled teachers are staring down at us.
Heaven and I both look at them like deer caught in headlights.
“How was your little dry–humping session?” I blurt out after a moment of silence, and as if god is giving me a sign to shut up, the skull of a skeleton model falls off the body and hits me on the head.
All of a sudden, I’m in a forest.
I turn around and see Heaven and Lucy.
“Heav? Lucy?” My eyes water.
Lucy runs over, wrapping her tiny arms around my waist. “I missed you, Vaeh.”
I give her a watery smile. “I missed you, too, Rapunzel.”
22:17 O
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She lets go of me and Heaven walks over.
“I still hate you for getting us stuck in that storage closet because you wanted to get dirt on our science teacher for giving you a Not Achieved.” She points a finger at me.
“Wow, I love you, too, Heav.” I roll my eyes before embracing her in a hug for a minute before letting her go. “And I didn’t think he was going to be shoving his tongue down our history teacher’s
Chapter 54
She laughs before the scene changes and we’re standing in a hospital room.
“What the…” I trail off as I see my pale body sleeping in the hospital bed with Noah, Megan, Max. Dylan, Danny, Aunt Mila and Mrs King surrounding me.
“You don’t have long, Vaeh.” Lucy tells me sadly.
“We were hoping you wouldn’t end up like us, but I guess the universe didn’t agree.” Heaven says quietly.
“I-“I cut myself off, looking at my sisters. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m finally going to be with the both of you again.”
“Knock knock.”
I look up and see Dylan stepping into my room, a plastic bag in hand.
“Hey,” I smile as he walks over to my bed.
“Hey.” He smiles back before kissing my cheek and sitting down in the chair to my right. “Noah, Max, Megan and I decided to take turns spending some alone time with you. So I brought popcorn, Eggos, and a whole bunch of random movies. *
I grin. “What movies?”
He goes through the bag and pulls out a stack of movies. “Mean Girls, The Conjuring, Dumb and Dumber, 17 Again, Grease, and Tangled.”
I smile widely at the last one. “Tangled!*
He chuckles. “Okay. But first, I need your advice.”
I raise an eyebrow. “My advice?”
He nods. “Yeah. You’re straight up and you don’t sugarcoat shit.“
“Oh, gotcha.” I nod. “What is it?”
Chapter 54
“My relationship with Joey.” He states simply.
“Joey Sanders?” I question. “The redhead from high school?”
“What’s up?”
“Well,” he starts. “We’ve been in an on again–off again relationship since high school. The first time we broke up was because he had some shit going on in his life, which was understandable, and we got back together a couple weeks later. The second time we broke up, he cheated on me. We got back together a few months later. The third time we broke up, I had some shit going on and I felt like he wasn’t committed to me but we got back together a couple days later but then I found out he slept with some literally two hours after we broke up so I broke up with him again. He said it didn’t matter because, and I quote, ‘we were on a break, and he wants to get back together but I don’t
know what to do.”
“Oh okay, mhmm,” 1 hum. “Drop his ass.”
He looks at me. “What?”
I nod. “He cheated on you, and he slept with someone hours after you broke up. Who the fuck does that? Obviously he’s not as committed to you as you are to him. You’ve given him too many chances and he thinks he’ll be forgiven as soon as he fucks up.”
“That’s true.” Dylan hums
“See, right now you’re Ross and Rachel Their relationship was horrible and toxic.” I tell him. “What you really want to be is Monica and Chandler. Unproblematic and perfect.”
“Thanks, Vaeh. I knew I kept you around for a reason.” He nods, picking up his phone.
“Um, rude.” I mumble and furrow my eyebrows as he starts dialing someone’s number. “What’re you doing?”
“Calling Joey.” He states simply.
My eyes widen slightly as he presses the phone to his ear. “No. You are not about to break him over the phone. That is such a dick move.”
“So is cheating on someone and sleeping with someone else three hours after they break up.” He
I purse my lips. “Point taken.”
Chapter 54
“My relationship with Joey.” He states simply.
“Joey Sanders?” I question. “The redhead from high school?”
“What’s up?”
“Well,” he starts. “We’ve been in an on again–off again relationship since high school. The first time we broke up was because he had some shit going on in his life, which was understandable, and we got back together a couple weeks later. The second time we broke up, he cheated on me. We got back together a few months later. The third time we broke up, I had some shit going on and I felt like he wasn’t committed to me but we got back together a couple days later but then I found out he slept with some literally two hours after we broke up so I broke up with him again. He said it didn’t matter because, and I quote, ‘we were on a break‘, and he wants to get back together but I don’t
know what to do.”
“Oh okay, mhmm,” I hum. “Drop his ass.”
He looks at me. “What?”
I nod. “He cheated on you, and he slept with someone hours after you broke up. Who the fuck does that? Obviously he’s not as committed to you as you are to him. You’ve given him too many chances and he thinks he’ll be forgiven as soon as he fucks up.”
“That’s true.” Dylan hums.
“See, right now you’re Ross and Rachel. Their relationship was horrible and toxic.” I tell him. “What you really want to be is Monica and Chandler. Unproblematic and perfect.”
“Thanks, Vaeh. I knew I kept you around for a reason.” He nods, picking up his phone.
“Um, rude.” I mumble and furrow my eyebrows as he starts dialing someone’s number. “What’re
you doing?”
“Calling Joey.” He states simply.
My eyes widen slightly as he presses the phone to his ear. “No. You are not about to break up with him over the phone. That is such a dick move.”
“So is cheating on someone and sleeping with someone else three hours after they break up.” He
I purse my lips. “Point taken.”
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Chapter 54
“Hey, asshole.” He speaks into the phone. “We’re over and in the words of Taylor Swift, ‘we are never ever getting back together‘. I need a Chandler, not a Ross. Goodbye and good riddance, you readheaded demon child.”
He hangs up and I stare at him for a solid minute before I burst out laughing. “Did he even get to say one word?”
“Nope.” He grins at me before holding up a DVD. “Tangled?”
I grin. “You know me too well.”
He helps me sit up before he grabs his laptop from his backpack and puts the disk in and sets it in front of me. He kicks his shoes off before climbing in the bed next to me, throwing an an around me shoulder and gently pulling me to his side.
“Hellooooo, my beautiful best friend!” Max bursts into the room and kisses my cheek before looking over at Dylan. “Hey, Dobby looking headass.
I burst out laughing and Dylan slaps Max in the face with the bunch of flowers from the bedside
“Ow, thorns!” Max whines, rubbing his cheek.
“Ow, thorns.” Dylan mocks him in a high pitched voice.
Max glares at him. “Get your E.T looking ass out of here. It’s my turn to spend time with my baby,
Dylan rolls his eyes, grabbing all his things.
“Bye, Vaeh.” He kisses my cheek before looking at Max. “Later, dumbass.”
“Love you!” Max calls out.
“Love you, too!” Dylan calls back before the door shuts behind him.
“What’re we doing?” I ask Max as he kicks off his shoes and climbs into bed next to me.
He rubs his hands together with an evil grin on his face. “You, my dear Nevaeh, are going to help me plan the ultimate prank to play on Noah and Dylan, then we are going to binge watch Friends.”