SHADOW Novel 65

SHADOW Novel 65

Chapter 58 

Pretty much.Noah nods

It took me three hours to get that shit off!Max exclaims

But you can’t kill us because it was your girlfriend’s idea.I quickly say, making him roll his eyes

What about that conversation we had a couple weeks ago?Noah starts. The one that would’ve made people think we were high?” 

How are unicorns fake but giraffes are real?Nevaeh suddenly says as the five of them sit around Nevaeh and Megan’s dorm room. Like, what’s more believable? A horse with a horn or a leopardmoosecamel with a fortyfoot neck?” 

I wonder what it would be like to be Spongebob.Dylan starts. Think about it, a freaking sponge!” 



the alphabet in alphabetical order?Noah wonders out loud

Are Medusa’s leg hairs tiny snakes?Megan bites her lip

If you say whale oil beef hookedreally fast, it sounds like you’re saying well I’ll be fuckedin an 

Irish accent.Max tells them

They all share a look

If anyone ever heard what we were talking about, they’d think we’re high.Nevaeh voices what everybody is thinking

Remember when Nevaeh and Noah had their first kiss?Max laughs. Then Nevaeh punched him 

in the face?” 

He slowly stops laughing when he sees us all glaring at him

What about that time we went on a road trip and Max wanted to be the navigator?Dylan changes 

the subject

How come I’m not driving my own jeep?Max complains but is ignored. Or even sitting in the 


So who wants to navigate?Noah asks as he sits in the driver’s seat of Max’s jeep with Nevaeh in the 

passenger’s seat, Max, Dylan and Megan squashed in the back


The Heiress’s Shadow 


Chapter 58 

Me!Max instantly shouts, raising his hand

No, we do not want Max navigatingNevaeh immediately says. He’ll accidentally navigate us off

No, I won’t.Max argues but sees everyone looking at him with raised eyebrows

Remember the camping trip?Dylan reminds him, making him deflate

Okay, maybe it isn’t the best idea to let me navigate.Max pouts

Yeah, then you sulked so much we felt bad and let you navigate.Megan starts

And instead of taking us LA, we ended up in Texas.I finish

Hey, you guys said it wasn’t a good idea to let me navigate.Max defends himself. Why didn’t you listen to yourselves?” 

Remember how we first met Nevaeh?Dylan suddenly asks

Nevaeh walks into detention and sees Noah, Max and Dylan already in there, surprisingly

Hoods off in class.Ms Fields says to her, making Max and Dylan look up, but Noah just stares blankly down at his desk 

Shut up.Nevaeh replies instantly, taking her normal seat in the back left corner, Noah, Max and Dylan being in the back right corner

Young lady, I will not hesitate to send you to the principal.Ms Field threatens, her face turning a bright shade of red

Nevaeh snorts. Go ahead. He won’t care. He knows I won’t take my hood off.” 

Ms Field shuts up and they sit in silence for another half an hour

I have to go do something.Ms Field announces, standing up. I trust that you four will not leave this classroom, but just in case, I am locking the door.She walks out, and just as promised, she locks the door, throwing them a smirk before walking away

Almost immediately, Nevach’s hear a scraping of chairs as Noah, Max and Dylan change seats and sit in front of her. Or more like, Max changes seats to sit in front of her and drags Noah and Dylan 

with him

Hey, new girl.Max greets while Noah, Dylan and Nevaeh just sit there


The Heiress’s Shadow 


Chapter 58 

Ah, memories.Max chuckles

Max was being so nosy.Dylan adds, shaking his head

I laugh. I wanted to punch him in the face.” 

You should’ve.Noah jokes

Excuse me,Max throws him an offended look. You hit me enough.” 

Megan giggles softly. We’ve had some good times.” 

Too bad we’re not going to have any more


{Well you only need the light when it’s burning low 

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow 

Only know you love her when you let her go 

Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low 

Only hate the road when you’re missing home 

Only know you love her when you let her go 

And you let her go

I stare down at Nevaeh in the dim lighting as she sleeps, my hand grasping hers

She’s gotten worse in the last couple of days

She sleeps a lot, she doesn’t eat, she barely drinks water

Stop staring.She croaks out without opening her eyes

If I were cliche I’d say I’m admiring‘.I start, a small smile on my lips as I repeat what she said to me when she came back. But I’m not. I can’t help it, you’re ugly.” 

Okay, first of all, that’s my line.She opens her eyes and stares up at me, a small smile on her face. Second of all, you and I both know I’d be the prettiest damn clown in the circus, remember?” 




Status: Ongoing


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