Chapter 62
“By the time I was your age, I’d give anything
To fall in love truly, was all I could think
That’s when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams
The most beautiful woman, that I’d ever seen
She said, “Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I can’t help but notice, you’re staring at me
I know I shouldn’t say this, but I really believe
I can tell by your eyes that you’re in love with me.”
Now, son, I’m only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things
Now, most of the time we’d have too much to drink
And we’d laugh at the stars and we’d share everything
Too young to notice, and too dumb to care
Love was a story that couldn’t compare
I said, “Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I made you a present with paper and string
Open with care now, I’m asking you, please
You know that I love you, will you marry me?”
Now, son, I’m only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things
Chapter 62
You’ll learn, one day, I’ll hope and I’ll pray
That God shows you differently
She said, “Boy can I tell you a terrible thing?
It seems that I’m sick and I’ve only got weeks
Please, don’t be sad now, I really believe
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
Slow, so slow I fell to the ground on my knees
So don’t fall in love, there’s just too much to lose
If you’re given the choice, then I beg you to choose
To walk away, walk away, don’t let her get you
I can’t bear to see the same happen to you
Now, son, I’m only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things.”
Noah finishes singing ‘Terrible Things‘ by Mayday Parade before placing his guitar down, placing a kiss on the foreheads of both of his sleeping nine year old twin daughters heads and leaving the room, his guitar in hand.
He sings this song to his daughters every night before bed. It explains his love life perfectly.
Noah hasn’t moved on from Nevaeh. I don’t think he ever will.
Nevaeh sits cross–legged on her and Noah’s shared bed, watching him carefully put his guitar back
in it’s case before sitting down on the foot of the bed next to her, closing his eyes.
She bites her lip before deciding that she wants to talk to him one last time.
“You can’t protect them from life forever, Pebble.”
“I can try.” He mumbles before his eyes snap open and he looks to his left. He sees Nevaeh sitting next to him and scrambles away, falling straight off the bed.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 62
“Kia Ora, Pebble.” Nevaeh smiles sheepishly.
“What the fuck!” He exclaims. “You–you–what the fuck?!”
Nevaeh raises an eyebrow at him. “Would you get your ass up from off the floor?”
He keeps staring at her with wide eyes. “I’m going crazy. I need to see a therapist. Forget the therapist, I need to put myself in a mental hospital.”
“You’re not going crazy.” Nevaeh rolls her eyes.
“Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Prove it.” Noah shoots.
She looks at him blankly before grabbing his shoe from the floor and lobbing it at him, smacking
him right in the face.
“Ow, fuck you, too, Carter.” Noah mumbles, rubbing his face.
“Proof enough for you, dumbass?” She questions. “Or do I need to throw another shoe at you?”
“Nope, I’m convinced.” He states, standing up. “Why can I see you?”
“I’m defying the laws of science.” She shrugs.
“An actual answer, Carter.”
She pouts. “I decided I wanted to talk to you.”
He narrows his eyes at his wife. “You’re telling me, I can see you because you want me to?”
“Pretty much.”
“Can I touch you?”
“Try it.”
He reaches his hand out to poke her stomach, but his arms goes right through her.
“This is some supernatural bullshit.” Noah mutters grumpily.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 62
“Yeah, it it.” Nevaeh agrees. “Look, I just wanted to tell you that you can’t keep them from getting
hurt forever.”
“I can try.” Noah argues.
Nevaeh sighs. “Yeah, you can protect them now, but Noah, they’re going to grow up, they’re going to experience heartbreak and pain.”
“We did.” Nevaeh cuts him off, looking down. Noah looks at her sadly. “It’s life, Noah. Shit happens.”
Noah sighs in defeat. “I know.”
Nevaeh walks over to him. “Look after our baby girls, Noah.”
“I will.”
She gives him a soft kiss on the lips, but all he feels is a slight chill.
“See you later, Pebble.”
“See you later, Carter.”
Kia Ora, my name’s Winnie King -actually, my name’s Windora but if you call me that, I’ll shove my fist down your throat- I’m the daughter of Nevaeh and Noah King and I’m one of a kind-
“Winnie, hurry up!” Octavia yells as I trudge behind her through the doors of hell -I mean, school.
Actually, no. I mean hell.
“Shut up.” I grumble, dragging my feet as I walk as slowly as possible. It was the first day of school and the first day of senior year. I really do not want to be here.
-and okay, so I have an identical twin sister but I’m still one of a kind!…sort of.
There are some differences. Octavia is girlier and I’m more of a tomboy. Octavia’s shorter and I’m taller. Octavia’s older and I’m younger. Octavia has dad’s greenish–blue eyes and I have mum’s bright blue eyes.
My mum passed away when I was seven.
Chapter 62
Even though I was only seven, I still remember her. How beautiful she was. How she used to sing us to sleep. How she taught us to play basketball. How she would dance around the kitchen with us when she thought dad was asleep, when he was actually standing in the doorway with an amused
smile on his face.
I miss her.
Anyway, let’s get away from the depressing subject, shall we?
I may play basketball and dance, but I’m still the clumsiest person you’ll ever meet-
“Oh shi-” I trip over thin air and go crashing face first into a row of lockers. See what I mean?