Chapter 71
sent 11:19
Flynn Rider
Meet us in
Victoria’s Secret
received 11:20
Pooh Bear
Why tf are you
in Victoria’s Secret?
sent 11:20
Flynn Rider
received 11:20
Pooh Bear
In Victoria’s
sent 11:1
Flynn Rider
received 11:22
Pooh Bear
sent 11:23
“Kamri, get off your lazy ass.” I stand up, putting my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. “We’re going to the mall.”
“But we were going to be lazy and watch Netflix all day.” She whines.
Chapter 71
“Come on, Kam.” I plead. “You can stare at all the pretty girls you want.”
Did I forget to mention that Kamti’s lesbian? Well she is. My favourite boss ass lesbian.
She groans before getting up, going to her closet and coming out in a pair of jeans instead of her sweats.
“Why do we need to go to the mall anyway?” She questions, grabbing her wallet.
“Flynn’s at the mall and his ex walked in and saw him.” I explain briefly.
“Crazy Caitlin?” She raises her brows.
“We really need to hurry up then.” She nods.
We run downstairs.
“Bye, dad!” Kamri yells. “We’re going to the mall!”
“Why?” Uncle Max pops his head out of the kitchen door way.
“To save Flynn from Crazy Caitlin.” I explain.
“Okay.” He nods. “Get yourself some lunch. Your mom’s not home and I’m too lazy to cook.”
“Bye, uncle Max!” I shout as we walk out of the door.
We get in my jeep and I immediately reverse out of the driveway and start driving to the mall.
“So,” Kamri starts. “How was dinner with your little crush and his brother?”
“Well, I said Braeden was hot in front of dad, dad told him, Octavia and I almost killed each other, Adonis ignored everyone because he was too busy making out with the food, Flynn walked in like he owned the place and started eating the cake, dad still doesn’t like him, and Adonis kept ignoring everyone.” I explain. “So, pretty good.”
“Cool.” She nods. “Have you noticed Octavia and Lucas getting closer and flirting more?”
“Yeah.” I admit. “I don’t like it.”
“Me neither.” She shakes her head. “His feelings just seem kind of forced.”
“You think that, too?”
“Yeah, and I think Octavia knows it, too.” She says. “But she likes him too much to actually think about it.”
We stay silent for a moment.
“I think he’s gay!” I blurt out. I see Kamri look at me from the corner of my eye, nodding at me to elaborate. “Remember the party in sophomore year?”
“Yeah, he disappeared for three hours, and now he always gets super uncomfortable and changes the subject when someone talks about it.” She bites her lip.
“How’d you find out you liked girls?” I ask her.
Chapter 71
“I don’t know, I guess I’d always known. I’ve never been remotely attracted to a guy, I’ve always been attracted to girls so I accepted the fact that I was gay a long time ago.” She shrugs. “I think Lucas is gay, too. But we don’t know for sure, so we can’t really assume.”
“Of course we can assume.” I pull into the car park of the mall. “We’re assuming right now.”
“Winnie.” She warns..
I groan. “Fine.”
We get out of the car and walk into the mall, beclining it to Victoria’s Secret.
As soon as we walk in I spot Adonis‘ tall figure at the back of the store, looking down at a rack of bras with an amused look.
Kamri and I walk over to them before Kamri giggles and I start laughing loudly.
“Dude, you look fucking sexy.” I tease as we all look down at Flynn, who is hiding in the rack, his head and shoulders stuck in a sports bra, which is stuck on the rack.
“Winnie!” He whines. “Shut up and help me.”
Kamri laughs, looking at Adonis who is smiling in amusement. “What happened to this clown?”
“He thought it would be funny to squeeze into the bra and pretend to be a model.” Adonis tells us making me laugh again. “But he got stuck, tripped and ended up getting caught on the rack.”
“Help me!” He shouts.
“Okay, okay, but first,” I pull out my phone and take a few pictures.
“I hate you.” He groans as I help him take it off.
He stands up and stretches.
“Oh, Flynn!” A nasally, high–pitched voice calls from outside the store. “There you are, baby cakes!”
I snort. “Baby cakes?”
We look over and see Crazy Caitlin walking over to us.
Flynn grabs my hands and starts dragging me with him as he runs out of the store.
“Flynn, baby, who is that girl?!” She screams, running after us.
“Get away from me, you crazy bitch!” Flynn yells back, making many people turn and look at us.
“Are you cheating on me?!” She exclaims.
“We broke up two years ago!” He points up. “Get over it!”
“Let go of me, dumbass.” I whine. “I want Taco Bell.”
“I’ll buy you Taco Bell later.” He promises me, making me grin happily.
“Flynn, who is that dumb bitch?!” She shouts.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 71
I stop running, pulling Flynn back, making him bump into me.
Chapter 72