Chapter 80
“And on that note, we’re out of here.” Flynn gives me a sickly sweet smile before grabbing Adonis‘ arm and dragging him to the
front door.
“What’s so bad about sweet, little Benjamin?” We hear Adonis ask.
“That little shit is anything but sweet.” Flynn spits as we hear the door open and shut.
Octavia looks at me with a what is wrong with you‘ expression. “Sweet? That kid is a ”
“Okay, bye, dad! Love you! Have fun!” I rush out, quickly hanging up just as someone knocks on the door.
We both share a look.
“Kill me now.” I grumble as we walk to the door.
“Ben’ll probably do it first.” She states, pulling the door open. We’re faced with a man and his son who is a splitting image of
“Hi, niece one and niece two.” Uncle Danny greets.
“Hi, uncle Danny.” “Heyo, Dannio.” Octavia and I both greet at the same time, hugging hìm.
“Ben, be good for your cousins.” He gives his son a pointed look. “I’ll be back around six.”
“Okay, bye, dad.” Ben gives him a sweet smile.
“Bye, kid.” He ruffles his hair before looking at us. “Bye, girls.”
We smile as he turns around and walks to his car, getting in and driving away.
We shut the door and Ben turns around to look at us with an evil grin.
“Oh, god.” Octavia whispers.
Uncle Danny is such a sweetheart, as is his wife, Lilian, How the hell did they get a little shit as an offspring, who was most likely birthed from the asshole of Satan?
“Benjamin Carter King, you get your ass back here, right now!” I chase the boy around the house as Octavia scrubs away at the kitchen walls which are now covered in barbecue sauce and crayons.
“Never!” Ben screams, giggling wildly.
I finally catch up to him, grabbing him and throwing him on the couch.
“Let’s play a game, Benny.” I smile sweetly at him. “It’s called ‘Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down before I strangle you’r
“No!” Ben glares at me before kicking me in the boob and running away again, laughing loudly.
“You little shit!” I clutch my boob. “Fuck this.”
“Really, Winnie?” Octavia stands next to me with a raised eyebrow.
The Heiress’s Shadow
“Because he was being a little brat.”
“And your only solution was to tie him to a chair and duct tape his mouth shut?!”
“Why is there a kid tied to a chair?” Adonis‘ raspy voice comes from the front door before he looks around at the crayon covered walls and things thrown all over the place, his mouth set in an ‘0‘,
“Correction.” Flynn starts as he steps in after Adonis, shutting the door after him. “Why is demon spawn tied to a chair?”
“Because he was being a demon spawn.” I shrug, scrubbing at the wall while Ben struggles in the chair, letting out muffled screams through the tape.
“He kicked Winnie in the boob.” Octavia explains, scrubbing at another wall.
“Oh, well, getting kicked in the boob doesn’t hurt as much as getting kicked in the balls.” Flynn shrugs as Adonis picks some stuff off the ground and puts them back in their rightful places. “Getting kicked in the balls is the most painful thing that can happen to you.”
Octavia rolls her eyes. “Not more painful than giving birth.”
“It’s ten times more painful then giving birth.” Flynn scoffs.
Adonis stops what he’s doing and turns to Flynn with an ‘Are you stupid?‘ look.
Octavia and I both stop scrubbing the walls and turn to stare at Flynn.
“I’m sorry,” I sneer sarcastically. “Do you dilate ten centimetres to push a person out of your dick?”
Flynn looks between our glares before looking at Adonis for help.
“Don’t look at me,” Adonis puts his arms up in surrender. “I’m not the idiot who said getting kicked in the balls is more painful than giving birth.”
Flynn opens his mouth to say someone but is cut off but a squeaky voice.
We all snap our heads over to see Ben standing on the chair, the tape balled up on the ground, next to a pile of severed rope.
“Wha–did that kid gnaw through the rope?!” Flynn exclaims.
Ben points at me. “You’re a meanie!”
“I’m a meanie?” I stare at him in disbelief.
“Yeah!” He shouts. “You tied me up.”
“You kicked me in the boob!”
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 80
“You swore at me? He argues back.
“You drew on the waller
You put duct tape on my mouth!”
You threw sance on the wallet
“You tied me up!”
“You kicked me in the boo
“Pooh Bear, you’re siguing with a nine year old.” Flynn interrupts. “Stop it.”
I pout, shutting my mouth.
“Yeah, listen to your boyfriend!” Ben taunts,
Tlynn and I both snap our heads to him simultaneously. “Now you listen here, demon spawn”
“Okay!” Adonis shouts, making everyone look at him before he points to Flynn, Octavia and I. “You three, clean up the house.
Til deal with the kid.”
“Thank god.” Octavia sighs as we finish cleaning the kitchen, throwing our gloves in the bin.
Tina fucking lly” Flynn exclaims as we walk out into the leaving room only to stop in our tracks.