Chapter 81
“Am I seeing this correctly?” Octavia whispers, rubbing her eyes..
“H–How?” Flynn stutters, pinching himself. “Ow! Nope, it’s real.”
“Holy shit, the world must be ending.” I mumble.
There, sitting on the couch, are Adonis and Ben. Ben is cuddled into Adonis‘ side, Adonis with a protective arm around him, both of them asleep as some random cartoon plays on the T.V in the background.
Now I know why everyone always gushes about guys with kids.
This is fucking adorable.
I almost don’t want to wake Adonis up.
I walk over and pinch his nose, preventing him from breathing. He jumps awake a few seconds later.
“What the hell?” He sniffles, slapping my hand away from his nose.
“Kia Ora.” I grin at him and he raises an eyebrow at me.
He gives me a sweet smile. “Fuck you.”
“When and where?”
“Never and nowhere.” He counters. “Who’d want to fuck that?”
My mouth drops open and Flynn and Octavia start laughing loudly.
“Oh my god, Winnie’s speechless!” Octavia holds her stomach, still laughing.
“It’s a miracle!” Flynn screeches, slapping his knee out of laughter.
I turn around and glare at the two. “I will wake demon spawn up.”
They immediately stop laughing and stand up straight. “Please don’t.”
I turn back to Adonis and give him a sweet smile before raising my arms and bumping my fists together.
The smile is wiped off his face as he gapes at me. “Did you just say ‘fuck you‘ in Friends?”
“No shit.”
He pouts before doing it back.
And somehow everyone ends up doing it at each other.
Ben, Octavia and I all jump up when we hear a knock on the door a few hours later.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 81
“THANK GOD!” Flynn shouts, dramatically falling back on the ground.
Octavia throws the door open and Ben jumps into his dad’s arms..
“What happened?” Uncle Danny immediately asks us.
“We watched a movie.” Octavia grins.
He turns to me. “What really happened?”
“Demon Spawn kicked me in the boob so I tied him to a chair.” I shrug. “Then somehow, he fell asleep cuddling Adonis.”
“Adonis?” He repeats. “The boy your father keeps complaining about, saying ‘he’s perfect and he’s going to steal my daughter
from me“?”
I stare at him before shrugging again. “I guess so.”
“Definitely him.” Octavia states.
“Hey, Mr King number two.” Flynn appears behind us with Adonis.
“Hey, Flynn.” Uncle Danny grins at him. “I still don’t understand why Noah hates you.”
“Neither do I!” Flynn sighs dramatically. “I’m wonderful.”
“Right.” I scoff and he kicks me.
Adonis then flashes him a smile. “Hi. I’m said perfect boy.”
Uncle Danny smiles at him. “Hi. I’m the better King.”
“Bye, Adonis!” Ben throws himself into Adonis‘ arms, hugging him tightly.
“See you later, kid.” Adonis gives him a squeeze and hands him back to his father.
We wave them off as we watch them get in the car and leave.
Flynn, Octavia and I then turn to Adonis.
“Seriously, how did you do that?” Octavia asks him as we walk back inside.
He shrugs. “Kids like me.”
My phone starts ringing and I check the caller ID this time before picking up.
“Greetings, father.” I speak into the phone.
“Winnie, I am currently hanging upside down from the top of a tree because this is the only place I could find service.” Dad speaks from the other end. “Change of plans. We’ll be back by tomorrow…hopefully.”
“Uncle Max got you lost again, didn’t he?” I laugh.
“Obviously.” He scoffs. “I’m guessing Adonis and your annoying friend, Flynn, are there, so make dinner or order take out. Just don’t let Octavia in the kitchen.”
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 81
“Will do, old man.”
“I’m about to fall out of this tree.” He states. “Bye. I love you.”
“I love you, too, dad.” I say before he hangs up.
“What is the height of stupidity?” Adonis asks with a mouthful of chicken fried rice in his mouth, other empty Chinese take out boxes sitting on the coffee table as the four of us sit on the floor around it.
“Five–eight.” Octavia answers immediately, chewing on a dumpling.
I point my chopsticks at her, noodles hanging out of my mouth. “Fuck you.”
“Sometimes, when I’m being a kitchen gremlin in the middle of the night,” Flynn starts, swallowing his mouthful of noodles. “I drink milk straight from the carton.”
“The cow?” Octavia questions.
I stare at her. “What?”
“And you’re the smart one?” Adonis raises an eyebrow at her before I kick him in the shin. “Ow!”
“That’s my sister.” I point my chopsticks at him. “Only I’m allowed to insult the little shit.”
My phone goes off with a text.
Kamri 2.0
Lucas and I are coming over. You better have some food for us.
Tlook at the empty boxes on the coffee table before popping my lips and shrugging.
Hope they like licking oil from the boxes.
“Sooo, Kamri…” I trail off as soon as she and Lucas finish eating some leftovers they had found in the fridge. I ignore Octavia and Lucas‘ flirting. Or attempts at flirting. I honestly don’t know what to call it but it’s making me want to neck myself.
“What?” She groans when she hears the tone of my voice.