Chapter 2
When he eyed on my hoodie, I realized where his curiosity came from.
Well, it’s not everyday you see a girl with her hood up, covering most of her face standing in the middle of a school hallway.
Suddenly, the bell rings and everyone starts scurrying off to class.
Megs immediately starts dragging me to class, eager to see if Noah, Max and Dylan are in our first period lesson.
As we walk into our first class, which happens to be English, Megan is disappointed to see that Noah, Max and Dylan are not in the room.
We take our normal seats in back, left corner.
Megan pulls out her book and a pen, ready to take notes while I just sit there.
Back in New Zealand, we start primary when we’re five and high school when we’re 12-13. Heaven and I were NCEA level three when we were supposed to be NCEA level one, so it’s safe to say I’m way ahead. I mean, my sister was a genius, I had to keep up with her.
And the hood? You’re not allowed to wear your hoods up in class, but I do anyway. The teachers gave up trying to get me to pull it down a few months after I started school here.
But no one but Megan knows that I’m actually smart. The teachers eventually got sick of telling me to pay attention in class, so they gave up.
I’m surprised as a different teacher walks into the room. She is short and stubby with grey hair, which is tied back in a tight bun and she has those big, thick framed glasses. Her skin is slightly wrinkly, she looks like she was in her late forties, early fifties and she has a wart on the side of her face.
Holy shit, that wart. It’s huge! The wart looks just like the one Lewbert had.
If you’ve ever seen iCarly, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Megan and I share a look and shudder. Obviously, she thought the same as I did.
“Okay, class,” she begins. “I’m Ms Field and I’m your new English teacher. Your last teacher quit after an inappropriate prank which he was the victim of.” The whole class snickers, thinking about the amateur prank Jenny had pulled the other day. “Quiet! I am going to make sure you kids don’t do anything like that ever again. And if you do, I won’t hesitate to punish you.”
Just then, three extremely hot guys decide to waltz into the room.
“Hey teacher, what prank?” Max greets with a smirk while Noah and Dylan stay quiet, Noah not showing any emotion and Dylan with an eyebrow
“You’re late. Detention after school!” Ms Field says without hesitation.
Max’s smirk is wiped off and replaced with a look of annoyance. “Aren’t you supposed to give us a warning for being late, then give us detention?”
“Oh, right. Don’t be late again. Detention!” She smirks. Little does she know, she actually looks like a constipated walrus. “Take your seats!”
They all roll their eyes before moving to seat in the last three empty seats left. Which happened to be right in front of Megan and I.
I chuckled at Megan’s excited face.
Suddenly, a hand is slammed on my desk, making me look up at the angry new teacher. “No hoods on in class. Take it off.” I shake my head. “Take it off.”
I shake my head again. “No.” My voice calm.
“I said, take it off!” Ms Field raises her voice. By now, everyone was watching the scene in front of them.
This shrew is really starting to piss me off. Pills or no pills.
“And I said, no.”
“Uh, Ms Field, maybe you should just let her keep it on…” Megan trails off nervously, knowing that I’m growing angry.
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 2,
“Shut up!” The old hag snaps at her. Does this shrew want to get her ass kicked?
“Oi, don’t tell her to shut up, you old hag.” I snap. From the corner of my eye, I see Max and Dylan share a smirk, but Noah still shows no emotion.
Seriously, is this guy a rock or something?
“DETENTION!” Ms Field yells, walking back to her desk with a red face.
Her class was long and boring, but I got through it. It is now the end of the day and it’s time for detention.
What a fun extracurricular activity!
Note the sarcasm.
“How about I just ditch?” I suggest as Megan ushers me towards our English classroom.
“No, you are not ditching!” Megan exclaims. I think it’s easy to tell who the good girl is out of the two of us.
“Fine.” I groan and let her drag me to detention.
“I can wait for you until detention is over.” Megan says as we stand outside of the classroom. “I am your ride home.”
“Nah, it’s alright. I’ll walk.”
“Are you sure?”
“Megan, I used to walk home all the time in New Zealand. Especially after training.” I explain.
“But are you sure?” She asks again.
I roll my eyes. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Okay.” She sighs as I start walking into the room. “Text me if you need a ride!” She calls after me.
I just lift my hand and do the Shaka sign.
I walk in and see Noah, Max and Dylan already in there, surprisingly.
“Hoods off in class.” Ms Fields says to me, making Max and Dylan look up, but Noah just stares blankly down at his desk
“Shut up.” I reply instantly, taking my normal seat in the back left corner, Noah, Max and Dylan being in the back right corner. “Young lady, I will not hesitate to send you to the principal.” Ms Field threatens, her face turning a bright shade of red.
I snort. “Go ahead. He won’t care. He knows I won’t take my hood off.”
Ms Field shuts up and we sit in silence for another half an hour.
“I have to go do something.” Ms Field announces, standing up. “I trust that you four will not leave this classroom, but just in case, I am locking the door.” She walks out, and just as promised, she locks the door, throwing us a smirk before walking away.
Almost immediately, I hear a scraping of chairs as Noah, Max and Dylan change seats and sit in front of me. Or more like, Max changes seats to sit in front of me and drags Noah and Dylan with him.