Chapter 83
He digs his spoon into the tub and shoves a bunch of ice cream in his mouth.
“Exactly!” He exclaims through a mouthful of ice cream.
I chuckle, shaking my head as I eat some ice cream myself. “Flynn, if things are meant to be, they’ll work out. If not, then oh well. You’ll find someone who can deal with your bullshit.”
“Like you?”
I raise an eyebrow at him. “I’m not going to go out with you if shit doesn’t work out with Tavi.”
He groans, dropping his head down on the counter. “But, Winnie ”
“But nothing.” I cut him off, shoving more ice cream in my mouth. “I would never date you.”
He lifts his head from the counter and throws me an offended look. “And why not, you dick?”
“Five years.” I start, eating more ice cream. “We’ve been best friends for five years and not once have we done or thought anything that could remotely hint that we could ever like each other.”
“Not true!” He protests. “Back in eight grade! We were each other’s first kiss!”
“And did we feel anything?”
“…no.” He grumbles truthfully, angrily shovelling ice cream in his mouth.
“Exactly. It was just for the sake of having our first kiss.” I give him a pointed look. “Why’re you even so worked up about
“Because I’m going to die alone!” He cries out, slumping over and dropping his head in my lap.
“You’re not going to die alone, dumbass.” I roll my eyes, patting his head. “There are plenty of fish in the sea. I mean–there’s also trash. A lot of trash. Probably more trash than fish-”
“What’s your point, stupid?” He cuts me off, voice muffled due to being buried in my lap.
I slap the back of his head at the insult and he mumbles out an ‘ow‘.
“My point is, you’ll find someone.” I tell him. “You’ll probably end up in many shitty relationships before then–nothing can beat Uncle Dylan and his high school boyfriend, bloody ‘we were on a break‘. Anyway, you’re not going to die alone.”
“Thanks, Pooh Bear. I think.” He sighs, lifting his head and resting it on my shoulder instead. We sit like that for a minute before he breaks the silence. “You never answered my question.”
“What was your question?”
“Why wouldn’t you date me?!”
“This again?!” I shove his head off my shoulder.
“Why wouldn’t you?!”
Chapter 53
“Because you’re you?” I splutter.
He gapes at me for a second. “Because I’m, melye
“Yes! You’re Flynn. My best friend since you anoved here in eight grade. I have never once woken up and thought, huh, I think I’m going to fall in love with Flynn five years from now.” I mock. “Pins, sumere already owns my heart.”
He raises an eyebrow at me, an offended expression still string on his face. “Adonis?”
“Pfft, no.” I roll my eyes. “Jason Todd.”
“Um. am I interrupting something? We turn our heads and see Octaxa standing in the kitchen doorway, a slightly troubled look on her face making me narrow my eyes slightly
You better not start that shit with king two people at the same time and causing a whole lot of drama.
“Not at all.”
“What the fuck,” I mumble through a yann, as I walk through the backkiour and plop down on the porch swing. “Why the fuck
am I awake at the asscrack of dawn?”
Adonis. Flynn, Kamri and Lucas had all gone home around eleven thirty last night and Octavia and I crashed not long afterwards. Well, Octavia crashed. I cleaned everything up then crashed. Flynn had to drag Adonis sleepy ass out of our house
but that’s a story for another time.
I check the time on my phone.
Dad should just be going in to work now. He got back from the woods with Unde Max and Uncle Dylan last night and they all just crashed at Unde Danny’s house–because it was the closest house from the university- who no doubt gave them shit about getting lost. Again.
Should forty year old men still be doing shit like that? They could die or something.
I shake my head, chuckling slightly at the stories dad has told us about him, mun, Aunt Meg, Uncle Max, and Uncle Dylan, and their weekly misadventures.
I pull my legs up and sit cross–legged on the swing and watch the sun slowly peek into sight, still wearing my pyjamas, which consists of a pair of plain grey cotton shorts and one of Flynn’s t–shirts that I stole from him a couple years back, and is huge
on me.
“It’s six–thirty in the morning. What do you want, you little gremlins? Mum grumbles as six–year–old Octavia and I drag her out of the backdoor and to the porch swing by each hand.
“We wanted to watch the sunrise.” I grin up at her innocently. She stares down at me before looking at Octavia, who’s giving
her the exact same innocent smile.
The Heiress’s Shadone
Chapter 83
“Oh, stop it. You’re my children. You two are anything but innocent.” She groans as she sits on the porch swing and lifts us onto her lap. “Fine.”