Chapter 90
“No! Stop! Stop! I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR KARATE CHOPPING YOU IN THE BALLS!” I scream between laughs. He finally stops after what felt like an hour, but was really one minute. I sit up, breathing unevenly. “I fucking hate you.”
“Love you, too, Pooh Bear.” He chuckles before sighing in relief. “I feel so much better now that you know.”
“I know everything.” I scoff. “You should’ve just saved me the trouble and Tavi two cups of coffee, and just told me.”
“I just wanted to be completely certain about how I was feeling before telling you.” He whines, laying his head in my lap.
“Um hello-”
I roll my eyes and continue. “I’m your best friend! You’re supposed to vent to me and I’m supposed to help you figure out this crap, because I know you better than you know yourself!”
“Anyway,” I push his head off my lap and stand up. “I’m hanging out with Adonis today. I’ll see you later, Flynn Rider.”
“Bye, Winnie the Pooh.” He grins while standing up, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, making me roll my eyes again.
I walk to the front door and stop, turning around to look at him. “Knowing you better than you know yourself also means that I know you didn’t like Octavia to push away your feelings for Bree. You like Bree because you’re trying to push away your feelings for Tavi.”
He gapes at me for a few seconds. “Am not!”
“Are to. Call me when you realise I’m right.” I smile sweetly. “Also, Johnny doesn’t actually like Bree. He just wants to sleep with her. I heard him talking to one of your other meathead teammates the other day. I was gonna warn her but you might as well do that. Or beat Johnny’s ass. Either, or.”
I open the door and walk out, hearing him mumble a, “that bastard” under his breath as I close the door.
“Okay, okay, how about this one,” I laugh as Adonis and I walker around the city, trying stupid pick up lines on each other like the losers we are. “Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”
“Wait, that was actually good, what the heck?” He grins, bumping my shoulder with his. “Okay, um…on a scale of one to ten, you’re a nine and I’m the one you need.”
I hold back a laugh. “What do you mean, nine?”
“Right. Sorry. What was I thinking calling you a nine?” He starts apologetically, his violet eyes twinkling mischievously.
“Thank yo-”
“If anything, you’re a solid three.”
“Excuse you, on a scale of one to ten, I’m and eleven and you’re the one that’s needs to go fuck himself!”
“I was joking, stupid.” He bursts out laughing and throws an arm around me shoulder, pulling me into his side. “Your turn.”
The Heiress’s Shadow
Chapter 90
I grumble under my breath, leaning into his side subconsciously before a playful smirk makes it’s way onto my face, which
Adonis doesn’t see.
“Is your phone in your back pocket? Because that ass is calling me.” I slap his butt and he jumps away with a yelp, causing me to laugh uncontrollably, leaning on the brick wall of a random store to keep from falling over.
“Puta.” He pinches my side and I squeak loudly, making him laugh as hard as I was earlier. “What the f–that was the cutest thing I think I’ve ever heard, Loca.”
“Shut up!” I whine, trying not to smile. When he laughs–actually laughs, he squints his eyes, his nose scrunches up slightly, you can see his straight, white teeth, and his dimples are on full display. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Hot Stuff.”
Again with the no filter.
He slowly stops laughing and grins at me. “And you’re fucking ugly.”
I actually thought this moron was going to say something sweet, but nope. That’s what came out of his mouth. Asshole.
I punch him in the gut, winding him. He quickly catches his breath and starts laughing again.
His laugh is actually really cute.
Damn him.
“I try to be nice for once and you wanna go and call me ugly?” I huff, crossing my arms and walking away. “Fuck you, too,
“Wait, Loca!” He calls after me, still chuckling. I hear his footsteps as he runs after me before wrapping his arms around me from behind and picking me up, bear hugging me. “I’m sorry–actually, I’m not sorry at all. But don’t be mad.”
“Huh, is someone speaking?” I feign confusion and he puts me down. I can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“I’ll buy you ice cream.”
Free ice cream?
I spin around and look at him with a grin, holding my arms out for a hug. “Doni!”
He rolls his eyes, suppressing a smile as I wrap my arms around his neck. “Loca.”
“I want-”
“Dick?” He suggests, making me step back and slap the back of his head. He laughs loudly as my cheeks turn a light shade of red. I fucking hate this kid sometimes.
“No,” I groan, my cheeks still hot. “C-”
I swear to God, if he says cock-
“I know, I know,” he cuts me off as we start walking to the nearest ice cream parlour. “Cookies and Cream in a waffle cone. We
have the same order.”