Chapter 90
I wake with a start, my head resting on the bed as I sit beside it. “Violet.” She frowns as she looks me
“You’re awake, baby.” I smile. I reach over and buzz for the nurses. “Oh, thank god you’re awake.” I push the hair back from her bruised face and hold her to me. “I’ve been panicking all night.” I pull back to look her over and she frowns at me.
“Who are you?”
My world stops spinning…
“What?” My eyes widen in horror. “You don’t remember me?”
“I wish I didn’t,” she mutters dryly. “What are you doing, Gabriel …and why the hell is my hand hurting so much?”
I pull her into a hug and smile into her hair. “Never been so happy to hear you be a smart–ass, Vee.”
The nurse appears at the door. “Hello, Violet. How are you feeling?”
I step back out of their way and she begins to check her vitals. I message Debbie.
She’s awake
And so far okay.
My phone immediately rings. “Hi, Deb,” I answer. “She’s awake?”
“Yes,” I whisper as I walk out into the corridor. “She’s being a smart–ass and everything.” The doctor
walks past me into the room.
“Thank god. Can I bring the kids up?”
“Let me find out what’s happening, she’s still hooked up to a lot of machines, and I’m assuming there
will be further testing. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”
“Okay, thank you.”
I hang up and walk back into the room to see the nurse looking into her eyes with a flashlight The doctor is talking to her.
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 90
“You took a nasty fall; you’re in the hospital. Do you remember what happened, Violet?”
“Um.” She frowns, and her eyes find mine across the room. “We were dancing.”
“Yes.” I nod in excitement. “We were dancing.”
“And then.” She frowns as she thinks. “Where are the kids?” “They’re at Debbie’s.” She nods.
“You have a broken wrist that needs surgery and an ankle we need to do some more x–rays on. How is your pain? On a level of one to ten, how would you rate it?”
“Twelve,” she grumbles. “My head hurts.”
“We’ll get some pain relief organized, and once you’ve had your x–rays, you can have something to
eat and drink, how does that sound?”
“Thank you.”
They both leave the room and I sit down beside her on the bed and take her good hand in mine. “You
scared the hell out of me.” “Hmm.” She frowns.
I lift her hand to my lips and softly kiss the back of it. “You think I’m dramatic, only you could hit every step on the way down.” She looks me over… “What?” I ask.
“You look like shit.”
I break into a broad smile, there she is. “You don’t look so hot yourself.”
Over the next hour, they unhook her machines and get her pain under control as I sit in the corner
and watch on. “X–ray will be up soon to take you down, okay?”
She nods. “Thanks.” The nurse disappears and she looks around.
“What’s wrong?”
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Umm. I’ll call the nurse back.”
“No. I’m not using a pan, I’ll wait.”
“I’ll carry you in.”
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 90
“Violet.” I widen my eyes. “You need to let me help you.” I reach down and pick her up like a bride. I carry her into the bathroom and carefully sit her down on the toilet.
“Okay, go out now.”
“You’re not standing there watching me pee.”
“Violet…I’ve licked your asshole, I’m pretty sure I’m good with a tinkle on the toilet.”
“Eww.” She screws up her face. “Get out.”
I go and wait outside the door and look around the hospital room. What’s taking so long? “You okay
in there?”
“Can I come in?” I wait some more. “Are you ready?”
I walk back in and pick her up, her cotton hospital gown is gathered on her lap. “I need to wash my
I carry her to the sink and she catches sight of her face in the mirror and gasps at the bruising. “Oh
my god.”
“Did a good job of it, you clumsy oaf.”
I turn the tap on and she holds her hand under the water. “Can you go and get the kids?”
“Deb’s bringing them up this afternoon, let’s just get you sorted first, okay?”
I carry her back to the bed and carefully lay her down, and she winces. “What’s wrong with my
“Your wrist is broken and you need it pinned, we’ll know more after the x–rays.”
eyes well with tears, her injuries obviously overwhelming her.
“Hey.” I sit down on the bed beside her. “Don’t worry. You’re going to be okay.” I cup her face in my hand. “It’s all going to be over soon and you’ll be all better.”
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 50
“I don’t have time for a broken wrist, Gabe.”
“Shh. Let’s just be grateful that a broken wrist is the extent of it.” I lower her bed. “Why don’t you try
and get some rest?”