Chapter 105
His eyes flutter as he feels how wet I am, the urgency in his kiss strengthens.
“I do wonder what the percentage of loss would be if we went down that route,” someone says.
He pushes his thick finger inside of me and I clench around him. He gives me a slow sexy smile and
adds another finger and begins to fuck me with them.
Slow and measured pumps as my body sucks him in.
Our kiss becomes desperate.
His hard cock underneath me begs for attention.
“Gabriel,” a voice says, snapping us back to the present. “What are your thoughts on this?”
He turns his head away from me. “It all depends on the network,” he replies without hesitation.
Wait…he’s been listening to what they’re saying?
I stand. He needs to work.
His dark eyes hold mine, and he puts his two fingers in his mouth and sucks them.
He licks his lips in appreciation and then rearranges his cock in his suit pants.
“Later,” he mouths.
I nod and, drunk on arousal, I hobble back to the couch. Meow… I need a cold shower.
“Not again,” Gabriel’s voice screams through the house. “This cannot be happening.”
I jump awake from my place on the couch.
“Mark,” he bellows. “What the hell is going on here?”
Mark walks up to the office and opens the door. “What seems to be the problem?”
“This internet keeps dropping out, this is the third time this meeting.” “And?”
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 105
“Do something about it,” he bellows. “I’m closing a major fucking deal here.”
“Okay.” Mark ambles back up the hall and into the kitchen. He casually gets himself a glass of water.
“What are you going to do?” I ask Mark.
Mark rolls his eyes and shrugs. “Pretend to do something about it.” He holds his hands up. “Even if I owned the telecommunications company, I still wouldn’t be able to do something about it.”
I giggle as a full picture of Mark and Gabriel’s relationship becomes crystal clear.
“That’s a very good point.”
“Knock, knock.” I hear Deb’s voice call from the front. “Anybody home?”
Mark frowns. “You expecting someone?”
“That’s my bestie.” I smile excitedly. “Come in, Deb,” I call.
Debbie walks through the house. “Where’s my…” Her voice trails off as she sets eyes on Mark.
From across the room, he stares at her too…
I look between the two of them as they stare at each other.
“Do you two know each other?” I ask.
“No,” Deb replies, all breathy.
Mark rushes forward and picks up her hand. “I’m Mark.”
“Goodness.” Deb lets out a flustered giggle. “Hello, Mark. I’m Deb.” “Hello, Deb.” He smiles all sexy
like, her hand still in his.
What the…?
“Ahem….” I clear my throat. “Don’t want to interrupt your little moment here.”
They step back from each other guiltily.
“Apologies,” Mark stammers. “I have to get back to work.” He goes to walk out the front door and then stops halfway there and turns and walks out the back door.
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 105
Debbie stares after him as if she’s just seen a ghost.
“What in the world?” I whisper.
“That was bizarre.” She looks at me. “Right?”
“Did you forget that you’re married?”
“Fuck, for a second there, I did.” She holds her temples. “Good god, he’s ridiculously hot.” She shakes
her head as she tries to reclaim her focus. “I’ve
never had a physical reaction to anyone like that before.” I widen my eyes. “Married,” I mouth.
“I know, I know.” She hugs me. “How are you, anyway?” “I have so much to tell you,” I whisper,
“Great.” She puts her arm around me and we walk toward the kitchen.
“Let’s put some coffee on.”
“You are fucking kidding me!” Gabriel’s voice bellows through the house.
“What’s going on?” Deb panics.
“Internet keeps dropping out.” I roll my eyes as I get the cups out. “Ignore him. We certainly do.”
“And then Colin said that she told on him but she didn’t tell on him,” Lucia says as she sits on the
kitchen counter.
“Right,” Gabriel replies. “Then what did you do?” This is multitasking at its best, he’s taking a
YouTube cooking lesson on his iPad, talking to Lucia and cooking dinner at the same time.
“So I told him to go away.”
“Uh–huh.” He pretends to listen as he focuses on his cooking lesson and chops the chicken.