Till Lies 32

Till Lies 32

Chapter 18 


I wait for it to connect

The number you have called has been disconnected

Panic runs through me


I dial the number again

The number you have called has been disconnected

Don’t you dare.I continue to pace as my temper rises. You try this fucking shit on me and that’s it!” 

I call the number again in the hope that I’ve dialed the wrong number

The number you have called has been disconnected

Infuriated, I throw my phone, and it bounces off my desk and onto the floor

With my hands on my hips, I pace back and forth. She thinks she can cut me just like that?” 

She thinks that I can’t find her if she changes her fucking number

This is her being a control freakthat’s what this is. I scramble for my phone and make another call


Mark, I want you to find an address for Violet Coleman.” 

Well, why don’t you just call her?” “Because her phone has been disconnected.Silence


Don’t well me,I snap. Find out where she is.I hang up and continue pacing and my phone rings, it’s Mark again. What?I snap as I answer

What town does she live in?he snaps back

Do Us Part 


Chapter 18 


Connecticut? Are you sure that’s it, because I need a state or at least a town to run the search.” 

I roll my eyes. I don’t fucking know, I’ll check.I hang up and march 

out into the office to see that Richard is still at his desk. Where did Violet 

Coleman move to?” 

He glances up. Sorry?” 

Violet Coleman,I snap impatiently. Where is she? Where did she move to?” 

AhhMaine. I think?” 


Surprised she didn’t move to Texas actually?” 


Because of Willie.” 

Who’s Willie?” 

Willie Nelson.He widens his eyes. You know how much Violet loves Willie Nelson.” 

Thankfully not.I pinch the bridge of my nose. Fuck me dead. That’ll do me.I storm back into my 

office and call Mark


She lives in Maine.” 

Anything else?” 

She has appalling taste in music.” 

Ohkay.He listens. So where did you get Connecticut from?” 

I don’t know.I shrug. Just find her.” 

What for? You didn’t even bother to know where she lived, why would you want to find her?” 


Till Lies Do Us Part 


Chapter 18 

Because I said sothat’s why. You need to remember that you work for me, so you will do whatever I fucking say.What’s the offer?What?I fume

What are you going to offer her? I happen to like Violet and I’m not finding her if you are just going to screw her around. She’s left town and changed her number for a reason.The sky turns red

What I do with Violet Coleman is none of your fucking business.I sneer. You’re fired.I hang up 

the phone

An hour and six scotches later, I collect my briefcase and make my way downstairs. I walk out the 

front door to see Mark standing beside my car. Infuriating

I walk over. What are you doing here, I fired you.” 

He rolls his eyes as he opens my door. Like the other fifty times you’ve fired me.” 

I get into the back seat and he slams the door behind me


We drive through the traffic as I glare out the window. Did you find her?” 

I’m not looking for her.He casually turns the corner

Why not?I snap

Because last time I saw Violet Coleman was when you had me stake out her house as her moving 

truck came, and she was crying and miserable.His eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror. I thought she was your friend.” 

She is.” 

He raises an eyebrow. Well?” 

Well, what?” 

What kind of man looks for a woman if he already knows that when he finds her, he won’t give her 

what she needs?My eyes hold his

I know you’re a selfish prick, but you need to think about this because it’s not just any old girl, it’s 

Violet Coleman.My heart sinks

You already told me you are to marry an Italian woman. Has that changed, has it?His eyes flick up to meet mine in the rearview mirror again


Till Lies Do Us Part 


Chapter 18 

Just drive the car,I yell. You piss me off. You’re fucking fired. For real this time.” 

We drive in silence for a while as adrenaline surges through my system. You think you know everything about me, well, I’ve got news for you. You know nothing. Zero.” 

I know a lot more about you than anyone else, that’s for sure.” 

I roll my eyes. Will you just shut the fuck up? I don’t pay for your opinion.” 

You want my opinion?” 


Yeah, well, you’re going to get it anyway,he snaps. Ever since the 

Christmas Party and that night you spent with Violet.” 

I never spent a night with Violet.” 

You’re lying. I drove her to your house,he barks. You pulled her out 

of the car.He grips the steering wheel. I did think it was strange when you didn’t leave the yacht in 


You weren’t even in Italy,I fire back

No, but the security boys called me from over there to see if everything was okay because you hadn’t left the yacht the entire time you were there.” 

I was tired.” 

Of being a prick?” 

Shut the fuck up.I punch the back of the seat as I begin to lose control. You haven’t gone out since Violet left; you haven’t had one single date.So what?I yell

That’s not who you are.” 

Shut. Up.” 

Are you going to do what you want to do, or are you going to do what you have to do?” 

I clench my jaw as I stare out the window. You have no idea what you are talking aboutor what is expected of me.” 


Till Lies Do Us Part 


Chapter 18 

I know more than you. Let’s go get her.He shrugs. I’m ready, you want Violet, so let’s go get her.” 

So you’re my quack now with the reverse psychology?I pinch the bridge of my nose as my elbow rests on the door. I fucking hate you, you know that?” 

We fall silent as the car pulls up at a set of traffic lights and the sad reality sets in. I can’t have 

Violet.I sigh

So why do you want to find her?he says in a softer tone

Because I miss her

We sit in silence for a long time as my mind goes over the depressing facts

He’s right

I have to let her go, it’s not fair for me to chase her when I can’t offer her what I want to

“Forget I said anything,I reply as I stare out the window. It doesn’t matter.” 

The car whizzes through the security gate and into the underground parking lot of my building as the memory of my Violet lingers

So close but so farI need to forget her


I watch the baggage handler throw the last of the bags into the cargo hull. We boarded a plane and 

are on the tarmac, about to leave New York forever

It’s pouring with rain, the sky is depressed, along with my heart

I did it, I changed my number. Not that he was ever going to call anyway, but at least now I have 


I will never have to see his name pop up on my screenOr get excited every time it rings, only to be disappointed when it isn’t him

You okay?Deb smiles over at me as she takes my hand in hers

Uhhuh.I fake a smile back

But I will never be okay, my heart has been broken beyond repair


Till Lies Do Us Part 


Chapter 18 

If I never date another man for as long as I live, I will be happy. I don’t know what headspace I’m in, but it’s like I’m purposely trying to torture myself

I’m listening to Someone Like Youfrom Adele on repeat

As the plane hurtles down the runway, I silently wipe my tears

The lyrics about finding someone else hit different this time

I screw up my face in tears, if only

Till Lies

Till Lies

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Till Lies 


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