Chapter 55
Chapter 55
My stomach twists some more. I couldn’t have fucked this up harder if I tried.
I flick through the diary and read another entry,
Today I start prenatal classes and what
should be a day that’s exciting and one that I’ve been looking forward to…all I can feel is dread.
I’m the only single parent in the class, it’s
bad enough I have to do this alone…but being forced to watch everybody else’s husbands and partners be excited feels simply too much to bear.
I get a lump in my throat as I stare at the entry, I hate that she did this alone. I hate what I put her through.
I pick up my phone and scroll through the numbers. Ring ring…ring ring…
“Hello,” Violet answers.
“Hi.” I smile softly, just hearing her voice makes me feel better.
“Gabriel, hi. I’m sorry but the children are asleep.”
“I’m not after the children.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just wanted to hear your voice.”
I close my eyes, filled with regret.
“Violet,” I whisper, “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“For not being there when you needed me.”
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 55
“It doesn’t…”
“It matters to me.” I cut her off. “I hate that I wasn’t…” I stop myself saying anything more, unsure how to make this better, “…there for you.”
We fall silent as we both wait on the line for the other to say something.
“I’ll be there Thursday night after work,” I tell her. “As soon as I finish,
I’ll be on my way.”
“It’s probably going to be too late by the time you get here to see the kids, they have school the next
“I know.” I think for a moment. “I was hoping that you and the kids could come over to my house on Friday night…and…”
“Are you sure you still want to tell them?”
“It’s not too late to change your mind, you know.”
“I’m not changing my mind.”
“Call me on Friday.”
“Good night.”
I smile as hope fills me. “Good night, Vee.”
I walk out to my waiting car to find Mark standing by it. “Good morning, sir.”
“How did you sleep?”
“Like a baby.”
The drive to the office is relatively short, and my mind is a whirlwind of nervous excitement. I just want to get back to Greenville… to her.
Do Us Part
Chapter 55
I think about the weekend and moving into the new house and telling the children, and I smile out the window… I have so much to look forward to.
I’m more excited about this weekend than I ever was about my upcoming wedding. That in itself says a lot.
I thought that perhaps I was making the biggest mistake of my life by ending it with Ariana, but finding that box has brought with it a sense of relief.
I’m not in this alone, Violet did feel the same, and I know that a lot of time has passed since then…but if she felt it once, she can feel it again.
The car pulls up to the front of the office to a media circus with security guards waiting around.
“Fuck’s sake.”
“Shall I keep driving?”
“No, I have to go in. Pull the car up.”
The car comes to a halt and Mark gets out and opens my door, the cameras start to flash and the bodyguards begin to push people. “Get back.” “Mr. Ferrara, are you devastated about the wedding?”
someone yells.
“Is it true you’re having an affair, Gabriel?” another shouts. “Who is the other woman, Mr. Ferrara?” I brush past
past them as the cameras flash.
“Where is Ariana now? Is it true that she has checked into a mental health clinic?”
I clench my jaw in fury as I push through the crowd.
Fuck this.
I take the elevator and walk through reception. “Good morning, Mr.
“Good morning.”
“Mrs. Ferrara is in your office, sir.” Great.
“Thank you.” I walk up the corridor and into my office to find my mother sitting at my desk, her back is ramrod straight with not a hair out of place.
I roll my lips to stop myself from outright verbally attacking her, close the door behind me and take
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 55
a seat at my desk.
I can hardly contain my anger, and animosity swirls through the air. “Yes,
Mother?” I say. “Can I help you?”
She crosses her legs and sits back in her chair. “You’re angry.” I glare at her as I hold my tongue.
“I went to her to protect you,” she stammers as she begins to get nervous.
“And I saw her evil firsthand with my own eyes.”
The anger in my soul begins to smolder with a new fire.
“You cannot throw away what you have with Ariana for Violet Coleman. I cannot allow it.”
“Ariana and I are over.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you love Ariana.”
“And you are supposed to love me.” I slam my hand on the desk, causing her to jump.
“I do love you.”
“You tried to buy my own children out of my life,” I bellow. “How the fuck is that loving me?” I glare at her, on the verge of a full–on meltdown. “You’ve gone too far this time, Mother.”
Her eyes
fill with tears. “Don’t say that,” she whispers. “She’s no good for you, Gabriel.”
“You are no good for me,” I scream. “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My.
Office. Right. Now.”
The door bursts open and Alessio comes into view, his eyes flick between us. “What’s going on?” he asks as he closes the door behind him.
“Get her out of here,” I snap as I walk to the window. I drag my hands through my hair, too angry to even look at her.
Chapter 56