Chapter 59
Chapter 59
Gabriel carries the pizzas into the dining room. “We’ll eat in here; I’ve set the table.”
I look into the formal dining room, the sixteen–seat antique table is perfectly set with fancy silverware and linen napkins, there are fresh flowers in the middle of the table and it looks like something out of a movie set or something.
“Maybe we should eat in the kitchen around the kitchen counter,” I suggest.
“It’s less formal and more relaxed, it will lighten the mood.”
He thinks for a moment as he looks around the table. “Maybe you’re right.” He runs his hands through his hair as if in a complete panic.
“You’re nervous?”
“I’m not nervous,” he snaps. “I’m freaking out.”
“It’s going to be fine.”
“How do you know? Dominic hates me.”
I puff air into my cheeks. “Well, we just have to work on it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. He’ll come around, he’s a lot like you.”
“That doesn’t help me, I know how I think.”
I stare up at him, this is the first time since I’ve known Gabriel that he has openly discussed a weakness. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“What are you going to say again?” I whisper as I follow him into the kitchen.
“The truth.” He puts the ten pizza boxes on the counter.
The truth sucks. “Maybe I should tell them?”
“No. I want to do it.”
“Are you sure?”
Till Lies Do Us Part
“Sit down,” he snaps, he fills our glasses of wine, passes me one and tips his head back and drains it. He immediately refills his glass and gestures to mine. “Keep up.”
I roll my lips to hide my smile. “Kids,” I call. “Dinner is here.”
They come barreling in from the other room and climb up onto the stools. “Oh my god,” Lucia gasps. “Why are there so many?”
“Because we’re hungry, that’s why,” Dominic replies as he opens the first box. “Eww, onion.” He scrunches his nose up in disgust.
“This one over here, pepperoni, your favorite.” I pass them both a slice. I didn’t have the heart to tell Gabriel that they will only eat one of his ten pizzas.
“Thank you,” Dom says as he takes a big bite.
“Yum.” Lucia smiles, all excited. I glance over to Gabriel and he’s white as a ghost.
“So, guys, we have something to tell you,” I say.
They keep eating, totally engrossed in their pizza.
“Gabriel…” I widen my eyes at him. “Now,” I mouth.
“Well.” Gabriel pauses as if articulating his words. “Your mom and I have just recently found out
some very exciting information.” They keep eating, totally uninterested.
“As you know, your mom and I have been friends for a long time…” He takes a huge gulp of his wine.
“Are you guys listening to Gabriel?” I ask.
They nod as they eat, they are so not listening.
“Anyway,” he continues. “Your mom and I worked together and we were once in love.” What?
They both stop eating to look at him.
“I mean, I didn’t realize it at the time, and…” He swallows the lump in his throat. “Anyway, one day when your mom was leaving New York to
move here to Greenville, we shared a very special kiss goodbye.” My heart twists as I remember that
Dominic frowns, his eyes flick to me for confirmation and I nervously smile and take his hand under
Till Lies Do Us Part
Chapter 59
the table.
“And your mom moved here and I stayed in New York and I was very sad for a very long time.”
What the fuck is he doing?
“Then one day your mom found out that she was pregnant, and she was so excited to have two little babies in her stomach.” He smiles softly over at me.
I begin to hear my heartbeat in my cars.
“You know when the doctors came over to your house and they had those swabs that you put into your mouth and they cut a little piece of your hair?” Lucia nods in an overdramatic way.
“Well, that test told us that…” He looks around at us all again as if searching for divine guidance. “I’m your father.” Dominic stares at him, emotionless.
“What did you say?” Lucia frowns.
“I’m your father.” He gives a lopsided smile. “I’m very excited about it and I hope you are too.”
Lucia’s eyes widen. “Father…like a dad?” she gasps. “Yes.” He smiles. “Like a dad.”
Dominic drops his pizza onto his plate.
“Yay.” I smile awkwardly as my eyes flick around to everyone at the table. “Isn’t this exciting?”
“Yes.” Lucia jumps up and bounces over to Gabriel and he gives her a hug.
“I thought you were my dad,” she lies.
Gabriel chuckles as he pushes the hair back from her face. “Did you, now?”
My heart melts at the sight of the two of them, and then I glance over to see Dominic glaring at me. “What have you got to say, baby?”
“I don’t want a father,” he says flatly. “Can we go home now? I’m tired.” Gabriel’s face falls.
Little shit.
“No, we’re staying here and having pizza like we planned. Gabriel has moved here all the way from New York to get to know you, and you will be polite.”
Till Lies Do Us Part
There’s no treading lightly with Dominic, I have to be blunt with him about this from the get–go.
He pushes his plate forward in protest. “I’m not hungry anymore and I want to go home.”
Gabriel’s unimpressed eyes flick over to him and I know I have to defuse the situation before it turns into a full–blown argument.